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发表于 2006-8-18 22:02:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Rundll命令大全  ' e* Q$ F" d* v3 q* `0 L8 \* s

6 D9 R8 F  b+ I* j0 |' M/ W/ g* q0 _  O- u" |
下面收集整理的内容来自英文文档,由于内容太多,没有对命令功能进行翻译,不过也都比较简单。7 z. D$ \4 L) K2 u6 d7 \. ?

8 h8 S( A+ @, F% Y. E$ Z. CAdd/Remove Programs: Install/Uninstall
. n8 E2 R7 i& T3 [该命令支持的系统 2 h" `( V' x" [, Z0 V0 H
Windows 95/98/ME
" J0 G9 s- F4 R3 s! y( TWindows NT 4 . O! F; N/ T2 I) B
Windows 2000
$ [( X% F. [( G* h9 A7 vWindows XP
2 @' h- x/ O. T* F1 z1 v0 E" ^命令功能 7 j* {1 w  A! \/ ]9 Y
Opens the Add/Remove Programs applet to the Install/Uninstall tab/section
! ^2 v* f) s/ x1 k& J命令格式 2 R8 _) I4 n) v
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,1 0 w$ n% w; _+ |4 t# T! q' m( O+ I
6 V' q; y- P& A
Add/Remove Programs: Startup Disk
$ F6 N$ f4 Q! Y* m& O# G+ j% Z该命令支持的系统
. ~4 q6 Z) I$ E+ j" X6 w' n& CWindows 95/98/ME
, W& b( I8 w& `( Z2 A  ~命令功能 1 P& b* C- X! D) o. a  o
Opens the Add/Remove Applications applet to the Startup Disk tab / O4 T7 B: L) K7 L& P: ^" _, i- U/ n
0 U% e1 u  ^6 T; y& B- MRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,3
& s- f6 D1 g/ s/ ^: n0 |4 B
; `% r& j+ C, p- E: n5 WAdd/Remove Programs: Windows Setup " M5 J; N# @) B" q5 J
该命令支持的系统 # a  i) L6 {3 t1 C
Windows 95/98/ME
) |0 ~/ }+ _! i/ L: BWindows NT 4 * e/ H- d: J: f. [4 k0 B- I
Windows 2000
5 p# B* B4 y5 s' XWindows XP 4 ~# V: o  V9 q2 I
/ y2 `5 O/ y! wOpens the Add/Remove Programs applet to the Windows Componenets tab/section
+ F5 G& N1 d" {  ^& ^: b0 j命令格式
! J  k, Y; `: f4 ]& Z/ m7 MRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl,,2
9 F7 m! z6 w. x8 O' p# S2 d5 U" P4 U- e" Y- H. w) Q) n% @. C
Application Windows: Cascade 4 p; v# W8 ]5 |0 U' @. o" M" {
该命令支持的系统 . r# O! y" K: K5 M+ l+ }/ {. A
Windows 95/98/ME
4 M2 M) [4 H0 I1 `7 Q4 r8 ]命令功能
4 ]8 ?" [) y1 J2 A3 L( iCascades the open application, explorer, etc. windows on the desktop. $ U2 n: [, d6 ~! i
7 K! {4 l  E3 ]8 WRunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,cascadechildwindows . f  P  F) W0 Z* u" D# r" q

' N! k$ P1 J" oApplication Windows: Tile 6 y+ I  R. V6 E  m# O' Z
' n5 k2 E" O; w; P4 ?! zWindows 95/98/ME 4 E# k% _6 I7 G% J
命令功能 # ^$ n$ n) j  F0 U  a9 P
Tiles the open application, explorer, etc. windows on the desktop. 1 F8 Q& {+ F; m1 k
命令格式 , q* h- r+ Q+ M# _, a# i
RunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,tilechildwindows % ?# b/ s) F7 c! H4 u+ ~! R2 ]0 E
; x. p  B7 w. K+ F& N% v
Accessibility Settings: Display + K  h( K& h8 s. D4 O, c% I$ _/ K
该命令支持的系统 5 s/ @8 s; f  O- I2 V; ^7 u
Windows 95/98/ME
4 K/ A9 M& r- h+ ~. D/ E- o' ]  aWindows NT 4 7 @/ _$ k/ Q: m( K0 a
Windows 2000 0 |) {1 ~/ Q8 g" |! W
Windows XP 1 l" i2 N2 g8 g" X
命令功能 * ?. F4 |! w! C2 ~! ~# L: f0 ?1 i
Opens the accessibility control panel applet to the DIsplay tab & v! n5 i/ s  u! Q1 u
命令格式 , h, ~0 I' H# `) B
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,3
. G, M9 G2 Z% C9 L+ t8 J
+ @5 s  w" t( g; W, i3 A! T# xAccessibility Settings: General + Y& a+ M5 i4 D9 p" v5 x' U0 f
0 E6 \+ t8 o. i! q) }Windows 95/98/ME ! D& \: J5 Z( X' F8 p- p* Y
Windows NT 4
) ?- r0 z1 B2 b" `( g: i% XWindows 2000
3 Q: c( z# H3 @! ^3 l# ?Windows XP
! ~4 k- Q6 s5 W. B0 Q/ @命令功能 & L" O: l6 A/ {8 F- e
Opens the accessibility control panel applet. ! h% z6 Y" J1 E# ~+ h: Z
命令格式 5 a8 [, e9 u  S
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,5 " E( G7 s' a* d3 a. \/ |
8 ]2 ?' _! V- S; i! C/ _0 v
Accessibility Settings: Keyboard
$ p3 Z% x3 O# k. h- R4 P7 V该命令支持的系统 6 P- a2 A3 [" C* u" k0 W6 N$ O$ k
Windows 95/98/ME   C3 G3 C/ s; [/ c% A
Windows NT 4 2 J) {- N- `8 `3 r1 z2 r1 `
Windows 2000 ( Z4 E/ ~4 O6 S4 q! u/ Q/ O
Windows XP 5 C2 J2 }- T* E  h# @$ f2 O4 k
命令功能 3 H. b* F: c( S- q( L: `6 i
Opens the accessibility control panel applet to the keyboard tab
, E9 F1 b1 _8 g9 [' A% j5 O命令格式
; P' n- Z- B  f) D. ERunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,1 # F& M* e2 D2 z# a7 P

4 h- A. X5 l2 y, I8 UAccessibility Settings: Mouse
8 X4 I$ w3 k+ o" W该命令支持的系统
3 P0 ?3 g. w5 aWindows 95/98/ME
2 K2 s+ K3 N* a9 _- wWindows NT 4 ' [9 V7 v4 C. h+ j$ P
Windows 2000 % P, h3 y/ m1 m" m0 [& P0 |
Windows XP
# }# P- r, D1 d& x, _; u命令功能
. m5 p; R- m  g# Q9 h# z- gOpens the accessibility control panel applet to the Mouse tab
" ]+ ^) q4 U! ~5 b0 V0 g% D% O4 L命令格式 9 i- A& x2 O, p9 M' D/ J
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,4 5 d9 \. w( i6 ~* u
0 Z, p+ e5 G1 Q- L) E$ x
Accessibility Settings: Sound 8 \* Y8 Y8 X$ N7 h/ Q/ L
该命令支持的系统 # ]* w3 ~5 n) R, Z
Windows 95/98/ME
: m& D. [; m+ c* @9 o* E2 SWindows NT 4
7 D4 A+ d7 ~7 t) ]% H  |Windows 2000
. z. l1 S) H" N5 T, PWindows XP - z! X- ?) v3 \) S" l, w  F
命令功能 8 E% |: ?% f4 j8 f, k3 S) L7 K9 ~
Opens the accessibility control panel applet to the Sound tab & V# l8 x' b5 Z3 `5 L1 T4 t- z7 f' X
) F% i% p" t4 Q# aRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL access.cpl,,2
. a/ b  Z$ j/ j
7 Y* W7 h/ ~) X0 i3 k% j$ d6 l: bBriefcase: Create New 4 y3 E3 K5 M# Q9 `% m
该命令支持的系统 3 U# J' J8 l( U) D
Windows 95/98/ME 2 P, q1 O; |, y$ w; y2 L
Windows NT 4
& ]2 V/ W. y: x. h0 S/ G3 vWindows 2000 1 z# p8 g6 C; W* G+ j
Windows XP
' o- m* h5 `: a1 ], {7 j  l2 A命令功能 / S" }( o: H. }9 i  Q4 z6 ^
Creates a new briefcase folder - if briefcase is installed. # Z; [3 Q" ^( Z! y! S
命令格式 3 V/ E' ~# N" q- ?9 v6 [- c) z
RunDLL32.EXE SYNCUI.DLL,Briefcase_Create
& ?5 E; T: ?" R: T8 a: e) S! l/ h) t4 z' p
Briefcase: Introduction / Information 6 U; [" o" N% ~  l3 e9 Y5 K$ m
7 T6 p/ c' b6 Z; |Windows 95/98/ME / n9 ~5 \7 g& a
Windows NT 4
! r4 h9 O  n  Q2 N! UWindows 2000 5 Z8 h  h) `' |  M: X5 w8 I# }# d+ [
Windows XP % `4 Z% A% e% T, P$ \- S. t  I
命令功能 3 e! T* b) N4 H  R
If Briefcase is installed, launches the instruction page for My Briefcase 2 d3 P1 W: `' s) Q9 G; x6 Y; l2 ~
+ F8 j, i7 V; i3 {RunDLL32.EXE syncui.dll,Briefcase_Intro
$ ?7 B$ s/ ?3 S$ T7 c" z- M3 b9 o) X9 {1 z8 A
COM Ports $ z6 ]. J% M! X9 U0 _4 K. W/ N
该命令支持的系统 1 d$ C. l$ p4 c- G4 \) A
Windows NT 4 6 Q! }! U. c) v4 ]5 v+ U1 Y
6 e) c2 [' {$ I; m. R& POpens the Ports Control Panel Applet 0 F: N( v5 a+ r8 k/ r; B
命令格式 ) Y% y5 O! A2 D9 r5 B
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ports.cpl . W" e4 L8 {+ Y8 Z: p; E$ L
' s- P5 M; z, Q) `/ x- F
Control Panel: Force Setup
$ I% N( l* S$ L5 p该命令支持的系统
' J/ Q( b1 L; R4 R1 }: ^) b% k" dWindows 95/98/ME / G# F5 j, E- {% H9 M' @* _' [- [
Windows NT 4
4 m, e/ L! @/ I, \- p3 _Windows 2000 ' k3 k, N: O$ C- y4 u5 r( t
Windows XP 8 I- K7 S+ V$ v. I3 y% H
命令功能   D  k) @8 u' n- C1 A
Forces the initial setup of the control panel , ]% @5 Y0 J* Z8 ?
命令格式 5 z4 H% W/ P' X* z
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_FillCache_RunDLL
* g1 F! U4 g, N
( e  B, \9 U& A: u3 H! tControl Panel: Launch
4 N+ G, T2 h3 |! f2 h该命令支持的系统 $ S7 h! X, ^% r5 W
Windows 95/98/ME 6 O( ?9 n7 x; M1 I( P
Windows NT 4
/ g5 q; j. V# R4 @8 C9 p$ l( DWindows 2000
% h; m% ~' ?, x7 L  p$ G" i6 uWindows XP
3 ?9 ^* s+ s" m7 M! @( Q命令功能
3 O1 e7 |- \9 l. y) a/ gOpens the control panel ( C, R" \( C4 t* f& P
* C4 W2 g3 _3 x( z0 E9 \( ZRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL 1 a0 P3 p7 \3 E
6 Q" w: U9 }& W) X" y, x) l
Dial-Up Networking: Create New Connection with Intro
( y! ^: i+ Y/ n8 s该命令支持的系统
' y9 D1 R, L9 N2 c5 H' qWindows 95/98/ME ! I: ?5 D6 `4 p$ x1 T* C4 t6 P
Windows NT 4
% s( c& k7 M3 G+ L) m! p6 }Windows 2000
! n- ], }# s' z5 k+ {Windows XP
1 L4 ]5 O/ ^9 z* r9 C命令功能 2 }4 J' V6 ?" a1 U% D
Launches the Dial-Up Networking New Connection wizard with the introduction text
4 P9 L' T! B4 p% x& o* i+ D命令格式 / b3 ^6 m2 V+ ~6 O0 x4 i) G! T. o* r( G
. c' h( _9 k$ }7 D7 P! p6 @2 u
3 A  N" Z: U: a+ ^Dial-Up Networking: Create New Connection without Intro 5 e5 }: Z# h$ I6 b9 ^. J- I
* G$ `+ M6 j! ^) IWindows 95/98/ME 1 Z) x# W! m' k" R, o6 g
Windows NT 4
: i. ?% ], y8 w( [Windows 2000 / r$ t9 C1 N4 q. t
Windows XP
# J4 R2 v1 K5 j' H' f4 C, v1 A命令功能 & V: R" t. `$ p4 \: N$ `
Launches the Dial-Up Networking New Connection wizard without the introduction text 4 v3 `5 R" g: F! w
命令格式 # n6 R: q) Z! }$ O
RunDLL32.EXE RNAUI.DLL,RnaWizard @ 1
2 B6 E; R6 q+ b3 k1 v/ I
0 M/ D( b% r& [( `" ^/ T: ]* kDial-Up Networking: Start Connection
5 w5 }8 P3 N+ {0 F1 v& C该命令支持的系统   l2 J1 v6 [5 \# l
Windows 95/98/ME
3 W& k' U# T# y2 k# f$ @! m' rWindows NT 4 ( |9 U0 I2 Q" o" n
Windows 2000
/ q) w3 p7 ?( n7 t5 V/ _Windows XP $ ^) k% }# j$ s2 Z# V. M
' W( \$ [; k1 U  W$ z9 L3 E( nThe function call RnaDial and the ConnectionName are both case-sensitive.
/ [( V3 I) }# S, w- n4 C: x8 LAlthough there is a function within the Rnaui.dll file that enables you to programmatically dial, a function that allows you to programmatically disconnect is not available. ) R, y9 X. n9 ]
ConnectionName is to be replaced with the name of one of the already set dialup name. For example, if you have a connection named 'Bluewin', Then replace ConnectionName with BlueWin: ) H3 A! Z$ j' A0 ?: }
Rundll32.exe Rnaui.dll,RnaDial Bluewin
' A  D: h" u2 C$ `& U命令格式 7 o5 X& }: w! a  e6 p* ]  b
RunDLL32.EXE Rnaui.dll,RnaDial ConnectionName ( x  ~7 _! L1 b* J4 ^. P, T# C

" {9 p  a7 o8 `% MDisks: Copy Floppy % N8 K: ]% m2 w& U
该命令支持的系统 & s+ N9 ?+ d: ^! G7 r! P$ P. k
Windows 95/98/ME
# g" _+ _  B; t, l% n, ]  i7 \Windows NT 4 % |, z! y% \! |6 u1 B
Windows 2000
* d7 q$ X6 V+ a: I) X1 n$ YWindows XP
* p6 X; L% L, w2 o- P2 M6 A命令功能
% l/ ?! ?! ^  s9 X. j+ oLaunches the floppy disk copy wizard
1 S; p$ T7 |; ~  q6 U命令格式
5 c6 n( ]# `6 hRunDLL32.EXE DISKCOPY.DLL,DiskCopyRunDll
2 b1 p% s/ o: A# L- x- T! e: r  X& u. v
Disks: Format 7 m5 u1 |$ m6 K1 A( r$ I6 |
该命令支持的系统 ) U' B5 S! A" x. `% S
Windows 95/98/ME ; b1 H8 y8 D2 p5 S, C0 |8 Y5 p
Windows NT 4 2 u: u: g. t- T. U! m) D( G
Windows 2000 $ _7 ?' x" Y( [' u1 ~9 F
Windows XP # j4 v# `/ R4 T! c( V
命令功能 7 }/ p- |; D# y, l0 t
Launches the disk format dialog box
4 V0 V, X" n# k4 o9 @6 U+ e命令格式
4 R: C1 W7 R5 m8 \RunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHFormatDrive
1 T5 ~9 `4 W' Z4 B4 r+ y! _# |+ N( {
Display: Refresh * M& C" W- k$ o9 U# [( x
: r7 X! x9 a- }: q  WWindows 95/98/ME . L' s% @9 Q; k- t: Q, N3 {0 K
命令功能 , K$ D8 L2 s% s8 ]) x  `
Repaints the desktop/screen / o3 ]# ?+ k5 `/ n4 w
命令格式 3 G  ~2 A; r4 g% f- R* N% L! `
RunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,repaintscreen
- `) q/ N4 D1 ?
/ l: ?' _- c3 W$ ]; BDisplay: Settings - Appearance
/ p" f' [: h" h  e- D) K% b8 p- t该命令支持的系统 ) D! [+ V  s" {6 B9 Z- n6 Y
Windows 95/98/ME ) ]* A8 T6 ^7 p8 @& ^4 G
Windows NT 4
7 {7 X* j3 N6 z% o  cWindows 2000
' I2 S- N& ]2 i2 _+ ZWindows XP
, j. R# c* ^# t& K% Y命令功能 ( ~4 Y" i$ D+ A9 ^" T9 ~
Opens the Display Properties control panel applet to the Appearance tab 9 J5 P5 B) P$ Z
( S, g2 c+ J7 {. h" ?/ \! u& mRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,2 9 R# D' V+ x- |

' z$ B: r# u& X- _0 h' M. zDisplay: Settings - Background
4 `* ]3 D/ j/ G5 W( D该命令支持的系统 5 z  U. w' @" e
Windows 95/98/ME
4 h$ y  d) b0 @' S% I- DWindows NT 4
$ D9 ~: W/ H2 X+ s  m6 mWindows 2000
) X( W- [4 p) |7 T- {4 s, \Windows XP
5 T, k% d; Q# |# a! f. `" x命令功能 ; H: v: |/ A; p& g9 O
Opens the Display Properties control panel applet to the Background tab
8 _9 b6 i& f3 k1 U' i% r命令格式 6 U) a4 p/ i: G. {
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,0
3 X* y8 Y% C1 T5 ~$ l1 X* y
" z& `9 H* K4 x+ z$ V  ?# tDisplay: Settings - Screen Saver
9 {4 x4 A$ K& c, E6 Y7 o该命令支持的系统
5 \- [$ ^+ X# z9 v* ^) ?Windows 95/98/ME
+ m0 T" n/ k) q9 g3 @' LWindows NT 4
! M2 H. S) {/ c+ u: aWindows 2000
8 _& X4 \7 J* l  u+ L* I1 m4 RWindows XP ' d2 e# R0 U) ]3 j
命令功能 # X9 T! r. r+ l* W/ M7 \
Opens the Display Properties control panel applet to the Screen Saver Tab ( l# G. R3 @# B
命令格式 2 b9 R4 p2 C* f$ Q; r/ |9 j2 `
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,1
7 s# E6 |. @, y) i0 n. j) y0 h' P2 T
Display: Settings - Settings # A" o& W, q! X; ]
2 `8 g% ]0 S9 N% M* Q8 n: ]% a, hWindows 95/98/ME 5 p* ~7 r+ L7 \
Windows NT 4 ) c: S" v5 V6 Q. N. I
Windows 2000 , v% f' h8 l/ S0 o
Windows XP
9 b+ ^! A! _4 q命令功能
9 Q; k3 K5 a+ P1 [Opens the Display Properties control panel applet to the Settings Tab ' u! X- ~$ U$ @$ N6 R
5 M, e$ v( F+ `* G9 c" {RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,3
* P0 G9 D1 A8 K3 d4 X
% R& `8 K& t5 Z+ F& h# t5 |( S* wDisplay: Settings - Themes
+ z/ @! F, {, B' Z6 F该命令支持的系统
& ~- @( m6 j4 m4 u0 |% XWindows XP
& Q9 f1 j4 f! j: k; i. h5 l命令功能
- j; s0 }4 i& X0 v6 q( OOpens the Display Properties control panel applet to the Themes tab & u! g' F$ k8 `! k; H4 D2 K6 j; O
命令格式 ' O& p8 o9 E0 c6 S! m
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,-1 9 x; _- V3 {! ]+ L/ r9 y$ M

3 b4 r: g% L7 Z' v: S. K1 aFast Find
! ?+ y( ~- [+ G3 [: W" Z该命令支持的系统 6 ]  I( ~$ N$ s4 m. ~: w9 s( z
Windows 95/98/ME 4 d4 N; Z: h- m2 M# P- r
Windows NT 4 1 @# X" c1 O4 D" R+ }, [7 f% x
Windows 2000 6 y% B( |* T, P9 i- @5 v
Windows XP
+ M3 D9 C; Y( D% w: a" R0 r) m命令功能 2 R2 T/ i# }5 C+ f4 i5 v1 W. l
Launches the Fast Find control panel applet (If installed)
9 l3 f2 _+ f6 T) J: P命令格式
9 @& ]! x1 R3 a  TRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL findfast.cpl
& @1 Z( b6 ]3 d+ s7 \& W/ J. d6 e. N  v$ x( ^; W
Files: Open With / c2 X' c: K4 R( d" c
该命令支持的系统 4 E* P9 n& k8 y# P, q
Windows 95/98/ME
7 t6 V# Z8 m5 G7 ?0 B4 |: Q1 EWindows NT 4 - M0 g! H, q" I0 E# `
Windows 2000 * X( X9 @' L* Z) t5 N4 |8 T
Windows XP # m  \. h, r, I& j+ ^: y) {
命令功能 , R/ W4 G, O0 H$ Z4 ~! J% C
Launches the Open With/As dialog box where the FileName is the path and file to send to the application.
1 i2 x, @) J  R命令格式
7 S8 b" H, F2 d! e$ ERunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,OpenAs_RunDLL FileName 4 a) x5 R; e$ v+ ^5 V
( T! r  b9 g( c
Fonts: Open Fonts Folder
$ D3 b! h$ p" k7 g1 Z; y该命令支持的系统 / y# F1 i, {3 W
Windows 95/98/ME
1 D+ ]. b* i) A- |1 x/ ?; ~Windows NT 4
1 E9 y6 x$ U5 t7 Z4 a6 m! [! aWindows 2000 5 i! F* K9 h  f4 k% S
Windows XP
8 D7 s7 R, e& ~  M( ^6 n命令功能 " F& P- @/ Z  ~2 N+ F/ L- E
This will open the fonts folder
- U, g/ ?; ~- t5 u0 E7 o' [' @8 z" S命令格式 ; O) G  L" q" V
RunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL FontsFolder
5 t; d. W' i0 U/ y+ p" o2 L$ S" ~6 h5 Q' o( B
Fonts: Open Fonts Folder (additional)
& t; e* e1 I' w该命令支持的系统 # I9 K, k8 K; @( k
Windows 95/98/ME
: c( x1 e; P: k/ Q5 [6 F命令功能
2 V8 h% t; n; F+ hOpens the fonts folder.
3 h8 Z+ D" S& }. ?5 c$ M* K$ A命令格式
$ ^. }6 C, D5 m3 W" B' w3 ^# ARunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @3   ^2 N, b6 e4 A' G* e! T5 S0 c. _

& o2 K2 g+ D. NGame Controllers * d" m, r2 k7 {
' t2 t# G% d( ?7 y6 i. R5 k6 lWindows 95/98/ME
2 i4 G# Y4 N. J3 a9 lWindows NT 4 7 l4 F% d/ ~8 A# w
Windows 2000 2 _  c# e8 K% f; t5 S6 u
Windows XP 4 A# ^4 w; z' H) S2 r
命令功能 ) Y. G1 G; U( V, |
Opens the Game Controllers control panel applet up to the General section. In Windows 2000, you may add ',,1' to open to the Advanced Tab. In Windows ME, ',,1' to open up to the Controllers ID tab, and ',,2' to open to the Voice Chat tab (if installed) 5 p9 Q5 P5 f0 L$ O6 H9 w0 p( T( R" Z
命令格式 ! h% V! g& P- q, D6 C! A
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL joy.cpl
* V0 e2 Q3 I. L/ P0 ]3 ~- H" h9 {5 e6 T" x+ g
Hardware: Add New Hardware Wizard ' u" ]6 [- Y% @, U  ~
该命令支持的系统 6 J* N( Y% b' j; F
Windows 95/98/ME
  Q* k3 |2 Q, M6 {0 n4 S命令功能 , B. ^' c( u8 |9 w& H
Invokes the Add New Hardware Wizard. This command will only open the System Control Panel applet in Windows NT/2000/XP
0 n# @' V7 K- q1 _命令格式
2 p; C" \9 g& b7 V, ^2 n! wRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl @1 4 g/ w" X" j, [+ l8 s) Z/ @- h1 T
3 q+ n* t9 a" U1 d
Hardware: Launch Device Manager
! R& s1 w# ~- F/ F* v该命令支持的系统
. Z2 O* T& M4 b6 _; @% f# H. tWindows 2000   V1 {' K  j7 ^
命令功能 5 s# J0 q, r! v& ?1 u
Launches the Device Manager. . m& R! V( s2 [0 `9 c( k4 a
6 i! f; ^$ L! U3 MRunDLL32.EXE devmgr.dll DeviceManager_Execute
. d% c* d: r, q# |9 @# X- D& B" e
4 U% k$ t  Z. e! ?& g$ l+ u$ b0 m; mImaging: Add New Scanner/Camera Wizard $ q6 @* s) F3 R9 j/ R; p7 l
该命令支持的系统 , ?+ z6 [" V9 C
Windows 95/98/ME
+ J, ?/ Z! [3 `; C9 i命令功能
6 e: N/ }' C; [: CLaunches the Add New Scanner/Camera Wizard. 5 F: ?' ?. {7 w( g% d* m4 A  Y
命令格式 * d( `4 @% {# l
RunDLL32.EXE SysDM.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL Image ; \" s3 r+ Y$ l
, x# \& ]7 I& P6 U$ C/ D
Infrared: Add New Infrared Device Wizard % ?( F$ \! {/ f5 r
! I- p  N7 |3 X- f* W, D- h% ?Windows 95/98/ME
3 a" J5 |/ E! `. D5 W# J& m4 w命令功能 6 s5 |9 N* k5 B7 R/ K  l
On Windows 95/98, this launches the Add Infrared Device Wizard.
$ {/ k5 y# a2 b# @On Windows ME, this lauches the Add/Remove hardware wizard preselecting infrared hardware types.
8 E# w/ ?+ e! @  ?0 T0 u! B命令格式 & k) o1 i& s- G' X: ^
RunDLL32.EXE SysDM.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL Infrared
7 ]" Q5 {( o) Q# r9 D1 u
, I1 W3 Q+ R. ~# [( KInternet Explorer: Clear Branding 1 Y; h) k( m" V6 q5 z& \/ |5 C* f4 s1 ?
该命令支持的系统 8 T: I$ Q' R* q7 g" _$ k
Windows 95/98/ME 8 B9 ~8 M/ J% X& K- R5 D/ k1 @
8 k0 @% l) y  L# Q, J, a* g$ YWhen it comes to sponsorship, branding is good. When it comes to Web browsers, branding is not so good. When you surf the Net, is Internet Explorer semi-skinned by a company's (your ISP, for example) name and spinning logo? Get it outta there! That is, if you so desire.
/ g, J+ p1 E! R# P! k* P; uFirst, be sure all browser windows are closed completely. Then, Run the following command line. Presto! Restart IE and everything should be hunky-dory.
5 `; }7 Z! q8 mThis tactic will also work when IE's interface isn't working as well as it should. Restoration is so refreshing, especially when you didn't want it in the first place. ' k0 b7 j/ k. o8 A9 A% Q( }3 g& M# r
IEdkcs32.dll is IE's "customisation DLL", for those who would like to know. , B* O/ [5 [& G: I0 y, `
命令格式 0 s5 s" k2 g2 o+ p( g7 u, X
RunDLL32.EXE IEdkcs32.dll,Clear
7 v; G: A, G( E6 S3 i1 j6 v- F8 Z+ l% d+ P. ?3 u
Internet Explorer: Repair Tool ( c) n3 x% g( N! e  d$ ~  d
  o' m( r) z  Z6 y2 M( n2 b9 E1 V0 ~Windows 95/98/ME
3 Z, v3 K" L; X4 u, O5 nWindows NT 4 3 p1 g' O! |& k' x
Windows 2000
' s5 x' P1 a0 \$ g* `Windows XP
1 K% ]1 w  E, C1 [命令功能 # w" a. K6 H+ Q& v$ L
For Internet Explorer versions 5 and 6, you can launch the repair tool using this call. It is assumed that IE is installed in the default location. & `4 t, b- ]. _  a* j
命令格式 - _$ s5 w9 [% e
RunDLL32.EXE setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup\SETUP.EXE" /g "%SystemRoot%\IE Uninstall Log.Txt"
1 l) H' S' T0 u' Y
+ d. M8 t# h# O- \2 AInternet Properties: Advanced
$ d) U: M7 t6 ?4 z该命令支持的系统 9 _: C5 B5 c5 L* }
Windows 95/98/ME
. ]  @' C: r8 `$ j% \Windows NT 4
9 ?% r1 e3 o* C2 vWindows 2000
. E; i0 M1 H" |6 D( kWindows XP * C+ G+ A2 I# P6 y. e8 I
命令功能 + R! x$ h+ ^8 m0 @2 W6 G
Depending on your version of the Internet Explorer, the tab order and selection is different. If you have version 6 or greater, substitute the # for 6. If below, substitute the # for 5 # k" L7 r0 {( a9 i* _5 \7 Z# ^
命令格式   F7 S+ m& P) ]# h4 }' U  @/ E
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,# ! \' \/ q3 _$ A/ K% W) G

  j3 @5 v5 w7 T4 m' S% HInternet Properties: Connections ' [( B, M  x0 Y. f; j
该命令支持的系统 ; `  [9 Z  X7 ^6 a9 \  y
Windows 95/98/ME : H$ o9 P' D; B
Windows NT 4 - S* x- q8 Z6 {
Windows 2000
+ I8 ^/ D# v% }6 K' IWindows XP
8 h5 `# c/ v. {6 j7 m6 }) H3 z命令功能
7 ^5 {6 O( [. n- p# t1 ?' Z4 PDepending on your version of the Internet Explorer, the tab order and selection is different. If you have version 6 or greater, substitute the # for 4. If below, substitute the # for 3 ) a# p% s% l3 ]7 }4 O
8 O& G. Z3 g7 ~3 G3 P7 k$ HRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,#
. D' Y# s7 c0 m
$ R( a) s9 t+ i4 B$ V7 k" j2 qInternet Properties: Content
# L& e0 f" [5 O5 F5 z3 k3 U- ?该命令支持的系统
) H8 b) p7 i  c( w4 ?' R" f/ PWindows 95/98/ME
5 T- A5 a* E, E( \Windows NT 4
. P+ C2 l/ n4 c% ?$ zWindows 2000
# ^) W9 N$ S7 E7 G. y- pWindows XP   X) R; ^' |7 k9 n9 e. \. X
0 L; e$ P5 E1 J7 G5 I/ nDepending on your version of the Internet Explorer, the tab order and selection is different. If you have version 6 or greater, substitute the # for 3. If below, substitute the # for 2 * }0 M, @8 s, S, n0 `2 K
命令格式 # x* j9 E% [, w  b) B+ t
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,#
0 A" X' `8 b, Q* Q  A" K& @, y  ^) M) c% ]
Internet Properties: General 9 s( h3 c/ ?6 ~1 |2 F* w5 Q
. }/ r* ^, N1 ^0 ?+ Z! k3 M! UWindows 95/98/ME
& x6 r0 E6 |9 y- |Windows NT 4
5 E3 Q9 ?, C; @3 P3 r: y$ ~Windows 2000
$ m* E* L/ x; R% x. lWindows XP
$ [$ I) Q$ Y- d- Z  d* f命令功能
1 G4 O% m) s& j. n; r8 r6 tOpens the Internet Properties Control panel applet to the General tab 8 _0 I  ~- e2 m: [6 w0 P
2 y! [: @( J2 `8 tRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,0 . H  `# U1 }: x$ ^
6 r; o2 n  T9 R- r& ~5 z
Internet Properties: Privacy
1 |7 A1 G/ ~  u7 H4 ?4 E; d- S# Y( O该命令支持的系统
- l3 \! d( x5 e) r. uWindows 95/98/ME
! O" |* l7 p' a) b1 TWindows NT 4
4 l/ B' ]& M2 B0 F3 |Windows 2000 , Y! H) W& [. g! M& F" _8 Q
Windows XP   ^! b0 l! z2 ?- |0 w6 t4 h# n% ?
命令功能 ! v7 H- \( |& c) j
Depending on your version of the Internet Explorer, this tab may or may not exist. If you have version 6 or greater, this tab is present. If below, this will focus the Content tab
3 I+ q: C3 I9 {( }命令格式 # @. V' {1 Y( [3 @# v1 y2 y
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,2
+ O  `8 G, U, N; P3 N) g! B
4 W8 S0 R! n* J' W0 |/ d/ k$ o9 sInternet Properties: Programs
* ~% g. o" v# t+ @% K该命令支持的系统
+ s" e/ f, W3 j/ _" a! ^2 R' ]- SWindows 95/98/ME   k2 W$ {# k* M  z- G  h% o
Windows NT 4
! w$ v6 ^( X& u4 d/ SWindows 2000 ) q+ C* Y$ d% A4 q' l5 @* e3 @
Windows XP - Y  x( P! J# H3 S
命令功能 , Y2 J4 ?1 s% t
Depending on your version of the Internet Explorer, the tab order and selection is different. If you have version 6 or greater, substitute the # for 5. If below, substitute the # for 4 / d/ L% d% W+ U. m' G4 q: o5 M
* Z) P9 B/ C% b% g* |  J; XRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,#
! [  E8 C! u% d" F, X
* ~7 {. I$ ~. P" c3 ]' v6 b* ZInternet Properties: Security
* X7 c4 j8 K0 i该命令支持的系统 4 I; a* f! o4 j" n& B# ^' A
Windows 95/98/ME 2 D$ @3 o3 j# M6 j& W
Windows NT 4 + d9 h8 ?5 l. z: y
Windows 2000 / X, l$ k4 y, l) W2 I4 S* q# Q& o
Windows XP
# j3 g, g! J3 z+ [命令功能
/ }5 L5 q1 o7 X8 {Opens the Internet Properties Control panel applet to the Security tab
9 O/ v* e" [5 s' t命令格式
  K5 n6 f$ I0 X( H  z* wRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl,,1 * z- U( L+ G3 e5 x
& D% }" c/ a) c) e; L1 [
Internet: E-Mail
5 K( J; q( _" w1 @该命令支持的系统
- L7 A8 M1 N( L. ]1 nWindows 95/98/ME 4 B! o- A4 f# t( p7 O7 H) |
Windows NT 4
* ^7 j- U$ a: I. IWindows 2000 ( F# y  @; G, ~5 ?3 B
Windows XP / y4 ^2 J7 o5 R* ^% G5 ^4 K6 }
+ j2 c; q( i) C& F; uThis will create a new mail message to the address specified in %1 in the computers default email program.
# A" z$ v$ b* x- i1 ]命令格式
  _7 G' z; z) v; k" V7 U1 WRunDLL32.EXE url.dll,MailToProtocolHandler %1 7 l3 r* }3 t- r, {& i  I
+ z7 U) d. Y' J5 j0 R* r
Internet: News Server
% `) ~# m: m9 n+ Y6 D# U/ S6 x该命令支持的系统 + I6 D7 p' K& I
Windows 95/98/ME
/ |3 n( ]3 ~' v0 e2 \: F4 hWindows NT 4
8 H- M# f2 J. Z4 O3 h! yWindows 2000 # W! b8 C& H; U% _
Windows XP 9 o" O9 ~( @3 H
命令功能 , M: ^' m6 N4 T7 D: C: W+ U' @8 L" N
This will attept to connect you to the news server where %1 is the address of the news server, using your computers default news server program.
% v6 ?" ~7 |3 e  I) ]命令格式 % E/ g/ G4 K5 v: @, X6 W; A8 K' W
RunDLL32.EXE url.dll,NewsProtocolHandler %1 0 a2 p& h% m0 Y. [2 h* @: R

& }# x2 F' T% J) I3 `Internet: Open Web Page ' E" P7 ?& y) E$ y4 V
该命令支持的系统 ( c* q( _3 J3 y; \
Windows 95/98/ME
0 i1 O) i6 m9 R5 C: gWindows NT 4
2 F+ ^1 p  o: r: a, l  tWindows 2000
: b3 ~- ?! F  ^4 m2 [$ ~Windows XP 2 u: m: D" O7 b9 Z& O/ @6 g- E
命令功能 - s1 t) Z. g3 Z+ V
This will launch the specified web page in the computers default browser. Substitute the full URL (include the http://) for %1. # N' }4 J" O7 G: o! v# g+ s' M
! `0 w4 U7 w3 }/ U% S$ {  RRunDLL32.EXE url.dll,FileProtocolHandler %1
& q/ e% @# T; E3 D9 R, `; G" {1 R3 m# A# l/ f7 A
Internet: TelNet 2 T* F2 n) U1 _  Q3 r: P9 C$ S
该命令支持的系统 / \: }0 n3 [  ]: d2 W# n
Windows 95/98/ME
5 l. L7 Y' w1 ]& i, p3 M3 sWindows NT 4 9 @' s2 s( v/ k: E
Windows 2000 * ^- z/ w6 s4 k& R
Windows XP 3 s8 ^8 D$ @9 P2 F3 o  H
1 X9 @1 Z* _8 e% `4 u, fThis will attempt to connect to the specified telnet address - where %1 is the TCP/IP address of the destination. " \! _& N& x1 F4 F! D# q
* v* N+ h# V9 O& ~& DRunDLL32.EXE url.dll,TelnetProtocolHandler %1
1 v/ r6 G# c( w" \8 e6 H2 j0 W  G/ z. z/ h8 q
Keyboard: Disable 3 a$ Y5 V# b/ F6 G, L$ D
* F& I. c8 k' P: Z2 D: hWindows 95/98/ME
& T+ {! k, l3 i6 h& C. T命令功能
$ A9 Q# o' _1 k: F- [; Y$ hSupposedly this disabled keyboard input. In all tests performed by Dx21, whereas this does disable the keyboard, it also froze everything but the mouse. Not recommended ) H& L6 F( N  [3 R
命令格式 ) P+ h6 ^' e* s2 Z
7 c' \5 H% J7 E/ }0 \; p/ X
% N% Y  |5 d7 {0 o! dKeyboard: Properties
7 R0 m% h7 C) s( B4 K' o3 ~# _  |该命令支持的系统 3 }# ?' \  L4 i0 H4 G
Windows 95/98/ME
7 j* H& u8 d3 OWindows NT 4 * L- N& o6 b- H8 b/ ~( U
Windows 2000
$ j. c4 U/ h- `* Y0 T0 c, `Windows XP
$ {' l1 q% d7 L. a) g$ ]( z3 B9 L1 t命令功能
. h* d- x1 ^1 W+ Y! B2 EOpens the Keyboard properties control panel applet. 0 f. p( W5 y2 l" J
命令格式 ' m, G& m' R+ i+ P: R4 L# i4 ]
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @1
: a" A! W! |) a( m, W* c2 x. ]# ]
Miscellaneous: Disable OEM Layer
7 i9 W- R& C  ~该命令支持的系统 / X( Z3 e  @; J$ I
Windows 95/98/ME ) w3 V. f- h/ U+ s
, ]8 A: ~# l4 b+ q5 Q  S$ k3 g  ZThis will disable and unload the OEM layer. Once this has been done, all I/O functions, such as keyboard, mouse and display, are functionless. However, the computer is still active and functional. If you have the ability to run commands remotely, you can disabled the OEM layer, and then later re-enabled the OEM layer and have the computer continue to work.
. Y* u- D3 m) P0 h命令格式 * e$ o1 n6 f* x+ V$ P& e3 s3 Y
RunDLL32.EXE user,disableoemlayer
4 Q- D) j% e+ [8 T
4 M6 o' Z6 k' d/ uMiscellaneous: Enable OEM Layer
* X7 c. H+ d1 k( c) m; Z) ]7 _该命令支持的系统 ! ]) u0 h. }/ d5 m. o' e; Q1 ]3 Y
Windows 95/98/ME ! O* `3 C+ e5 ^$ @  K9 G
Windows NT 4 % U* t  q" z3 \+ d5 P
Windows 2000 6 \. `% z) T3 m' i. F
Windows XP ( ^5 m5 G6 f, @5 v
' j" E" S$ T% i" dThis will enable and load the OEM layer. Once this has been done, all I/O functions, such as keyboard, mouse and display, are functional. If you have the ability to run commands remotely, you can disabled the OEM layer, and then later re-enabled the OEM layer and have the computer continue to work.
) s' ~3 B+ |( N9 J命令格式
. b& d% T# I/ Q% zRunDLL32.EXE user,enableoemlayer & Z  d; }1 {2 g  k

7 x' z- A* C" F2 ]) cModems: Install New
5 r; w( ]( u; A" c该命令支持的系统 & a1 H/ y, ^/ K2 m  h& o
Windows 95/98/ME " r( V, ^9 e# K. L& o
Windows NT 4
2 e4 J9 ~) T% Q8 x  [, y6 D) UWindows 2000
! x. y" v" f* `6 p* z* p; G' XWindows XP . n7 M5 d: W: P2 ~* ]
命令功能 7 l2 R) V% W( A; v6 c& a
On a Windows 9x system, this launches the Install New Modem wizard. In Windows NT, this launches the Phone and Modem control panel applet and set focus to the Modems tab. & a) m' s' s3 G% v& b: s, u  s
On Windows 95/98, this Invokes the Add New Modem wizard. ( e6 i$ K! e7 A
On Windows ME, this lauches the Add/Remove hardware wizard preselecting modem hardware types. + c* r: S0 i$ M+ e5 D2 ?, K
This has no effect in NT4, 2000 or XP.
& `. u6 X# Q3 S: H命令格式 ! U, i& d4 }4 \
RunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl,,add " W( N% K% i0 T
RunDLL32.EXE SysDM.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL Modem + q% o  H" Z9 D' Z
+ y7 {. ~" y3 W* F
Modems: Properties
( ?6 u* A/ M0 c7 k* r& H该命令支持的系统
# |$ e" O) E- ?, B6 h6 k; VWindows 95/98/ME
  o# O, m# D5 F6 r5 Z# rWindows NT 4 8 Z2 Y! V3 d$ H: q: j7 y5 ~
Windows 2000
  X! s( Q8 G4 _0 O1 e" j2 S. oWindows XP
1 v. |: z" L$ L- P  N% j7 a" `2 }命令功能 # n+ v- _  X( E, N- c
Opens the Phone and Modems Options control panel applet to the Modems tab (if a modem is installed, otherwise it launches the Install New Modem Wizard) 6 }5 W7 l* S. a) E; G1 F7 p8 j8 C
命令格式 6 ~2 w. ]3 Q% l" [
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL modem.cpl ' l9 u6 v) h, a  `

% r- w, ~" u3 y" O; J: \3 ?Mouse: Disable
* g7 Z9 v0 v, b6 _/ p; u该命令支持的系统 $ j3 \( \9 s) K1 {, `& P
Windows 95/98/ME
" s: {' E0 u$ o. k* wWindows NT 4
) ?! Y5 |* |9 hWindows 2000
1 j( a8 T5 X6 _8 m% x+ uWindows XP
: p4 l2 n7 B% e% ^9 A! j命令功能
( g% G9 U  G# }2 k7 YSupposedly disables the mouse. In tests Dx21 performed, this froze the system. Not recommended   e$ K; e& [, F- J
% u' X* I8 o: Y1 ?RunDLL32.EXE MOUSE,disable
( _  C4 s2 M- P3 k+ p( D) W
) G9 p# ]3 q: k( ~$ ~Mouse: Properties . Q$ a3 P9 J6 |2 X  n8 \# K
/ V7 O; [' _5 P  p& _6 nWindows 95/98/ME
5 s! _# w: G5 B" ~: V9 kWindows NT 4
2 G0 }, |3 @/ d5 \  N( G- S: h5 DWindows 2000 - x7 i" Z+ Q1 I5 p; Y) m, m
Windows XP
6 V9 H3 I* g) L9 E命令功能
. o3 {8 e: P7 gOpens the Mouse Properties control panel applet
) o; ~# o3 }2 D+ Z) c) k; Q命令格式
- g$ ~4 O& f7 P& `RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @0 9 R9 {0 L+ p; h( `1 J3 A
# s1 v- @; A: b9 E0 }
Mouse: Swap Buttons
# Z7 h5 C5 O3 r该命令支持的系统
7 j+ Y# l6 C3 J& YWindows 95/98/ME
5 J6 s. b$ z7 n命令功能
+ O3 N! j8 B6 h  U% G! }" }Toggles the left and right mouse buttons
3 @; B$ X  G9 _4 W命令格式 7 o5 P0 v9 ?8 k6 P$ ]( e0 Y2 F
RunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,swapmousebutton   G5 P" _0 V, A/ d  w; p
( K- [8 p% B3 R) N9 Q# c
Multimedia: Audio
; y' ^$ F) u) f1 j& i$ P. f该命令支持的系统
7 V4 K$ I7 L; f" hWindows 95/98/ME
0 L6 @- j0 b- b* I2 @0 b: J: r" HWindows NT 4
6 g, a$ R- \, \; _/ _8 `8 eWindows 2000 1 T9 r0 S% S) }! |3 L
* V* P5 R, u! s$ h0 e8 e& {Opens the Multimedia Properties control panel applet to the Audio tab
0 J6 u1 ]5 R4 f' p) U! o0 j% e7 ]命令格式 & v' b; g3 y& M1 l
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,0
% B9 G) N, F/ s" W) o* `0 }$ Y7 i4 D1 T/ Q* m
Multimedia: CD
! p8 d( D6 [; U: R3 C该命令支持的系统
6 @# _; p$ c; X- PWindows 95/98/ME 3 e2 u3 ?) F  y5 w# b
Windows NT 4
' U4 o7 g1 E2 M$ O1 P9 T命令功能
5 j! T3 T' A$ |Opens the Multimedia Properties control panel applet to the CD tab
( [. z' {3 s: \# E% V: F命令格式 : U. s% [" X' ?4 _5 D) ?
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,3
. }: ?9 x+ u; P& c; \  K1 j
2 q; i& ~7 n9 u# N3 RMultimedia: Devices
" I/ @$ l  x# u1 s该命令支持的系统
& m' V( s( I$ oWindows 95/98/ME
/ @* B5 I* e8 m  n' W5 {, {6 CWindows NT 4 ( O3 V- Q" X! a- X) f+ ^
% g! Y* q% J( V3 ZOpens the Multimedia Properties control panel applet to the Devices tab $ J9 U' o  A' c2 U/ I# D) g! n
8 `) \2 l( `  D& K0 ]RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,4 ; o5 e  o# f3 g3 N3 c
4 A9 `! K  B. @8 s; v1 c& i. B" r3 S
Multimedia: MIDI $ L- |. f" Y! \% ~5 W
该命令支持的系统 * Y/ G! \/ _. ^
Windows 95/98/ME 0 O$ S) f3 g' c0 g) t
Windows NT 4 + f3 [  z6 V  P: v) i# t, h$ F/ S) a
命令功能   W* |" g- D: T2 R5 z- O
Opens the Multimedia Properties control panel applet to the MIDI tab 7 n/ I' z  t8 _9 c
命令格式 ! y5 m( z/ e+ F. @
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,2 $ K: u. Q" f7 m4 V2 G- o+ F" d- Y( [) J

" V* F& K6 U- {$ [" w$ ^: N( `Multimedia: Video
/ b1 ]3 ^" ]# ^  ]. G该命令支持的系统 ; q, u2 Y1 K5 |3 P! F
Windows 95/98/ME ) v# V& ]+ q- W9 |  E' c* i8 Q- Y
Windows NT 4
3 D& W# ^0 C5 i8 U, h% Z/ RWindows 2000 $ ~/ B. s) p* l& _% D7 w7 g- \3 H
命令功能 ! L1 D- ?& W+ J) J
Opens the Sound and Multimedia Properties control panel applet to the Audio Tab
9 o# @. k( |9 |/ k( n命令格式
8 F5 h" I4 b  k) |6 e  y0 k8 uRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,1 9 U" l0 m8 A# @
  ?% M  y9 q7 o. P2 x
Network: Add Network Place Wizard
8 Q$ b9 i7 M$ ^' N  J& C该命令支持的系统
0 K5 {  A/ G# G1 K) l  J2 L* X  jWindows 2000 " q. \2 F' i( l& [) Q! o
命令功能 + w) w5 Z! o7 P' S$ V, E5 g
Launches the Add Network Place Wizard which helps you add a link to a Network Place. 8 ?! t+ G9 D5 I) o6 v* r# n9 ^( x- Z
命令格式 / I2 w/ x* S5 `6 x* ?& t& p
RunDLL32.EXE netplwiz.dll,AddNetPlaceRunDll
9 Q9 Q4 S3 n! f+ P2 \3 _/ R" S1 n& r) s. ~
Network: Disconnect Mapped Drive
! i1 t9 q6 c% j$ [4 @' [8 W该命令支持的系统
& J$ y& j$ }6 x. }" pWindows 95/98/ME
* k3 Q9 I5 j: `* F9 O命令功能
1 J4 ]& X8 q2 y  k: O, nLaunches a dialog box which allows you to disconnect a mapped network drive / [5 R+ B( [" ~: f" `0 x
5 W. O# c% y% y% f* r+ cRunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,wnetdisconnectdialog 6 W* `* J0 a" |7 V7 n5 J4 T& J

. {9 {  ~4 t- q( hNetwork: Disconnect Mapped Drive (NT/2K/XP)
( |, x  I; `0 s$ j6 x该命令支持的系统 % o6 M* [2 G( B4 E; v" w
Windows NT 4 * L- f5 Q; u9 X" W# o
Windows 2000
2 T9 @# U$ A# j5 ]! r: yWindows XP - n8 N2 |' P) ^
9 P. \; f% Y. v; PLaunches a dialog box which allows you to disconnect a mapped network drive
7 F% p/ T/ U( @' t( P命令格式 0 Z& w/ c8 c% i, k9 C& y6 R+ i* v) U6 ]
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL Disconnect
- g* m4 X" ]0 f; t# E' s: l3 Q4 Q  W
Network: Map Drive
4 g4 C4 [0 Y) s$ {6 {0 J: l该命令支持的系统
8 Q) \1 t! n( K" H9 p6 ~5 VWindows 95/98/ME
& H7 y  `$ ^1 F$ u6 X3 j4 P命令功能 ' {: B$ d+ X; l5 ]: [
This will launch the Map Network Drive wizard 6 B& D" p& |" V  ?  s5 N( r; I( E
; E9 r9 Y  E7 ?RunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,wnetconnectdialog 9 w& @. F" Q, j* v  D
4 H% N: U7 O9 e- e( y2 I2 W  l, p3 f2 l
Network: Map Drive (NT/2K/XP)   c6 _0 @; r" k6 N$ R4 Z% M, h
该命令支持的系统 2 R/ W- M  s1 A2 W5 M0 `% {$ c  @
Windows NT 4 : ]: U* K! z4 X% ~7 [
Windows 2000 ; ^0 S1 n$ U* g* I& g3 s
Windows XP * u) A: L* m- W3 x4 S- I; _9 J
$ g  T. {( k9 G& Q9 t8 w- RThis will launch the Map Network Drive wizard   `. c6 M3 s! q9 s3 W
. f' z6 o, j% F$ ~. MRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL Connect
8 N" h1 R0 R% U) c" c3 W2 O1 f' ^6 Y& P9 o4 t$ [7 A
Network: Network and Dial-up Connections / F+ u$ g6 E# K7 }: U+ B; z% D0 G
该命令支持的系统 / r( w( T' L+ o: _. ]
Windows NT 4
/ K1 O' D6 ^2 d. FWindows 2000
" K% v: W  [6 Y4 tWindows XP 0 ^! T& R- B) |" r) @
命令功能 ! A9 x; o' `1 P& o& e& A; ^
Launches the Network and Dial-up Connections 'folder' in Windows 2000 and XP, and the Network Control Panel applet in NT 4 ) E7 V; r/ `: }; {8 Z& K! f) e
1 I! U5 o6 n+ |& mRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl 9 l; n6 g* }( G" [) d

: w9 H- z+ R, Y+ {" L2 ~0 ZNetwork: Network Identification Wizard 5 V) w, d2 P( |  \% q3 D" ]
该命令支持的系统 . K0 W. S( Z4 x9 Z! t7 b
Windows 2000
! a% l! Y' Q+ \2 u+ J9 F/ H命令功能
* F* k6 }; Q" r! s6 V, _6 `% wLaunches the Network Identification Wizard which helps you to connect your computer to a network. ( }/ g% X0 U# V* \4 E
命令格式 # S0 ?* u8 Z4 a1 [
RunDLL32.EXE netplwiz.dll,NetAccWizRunDll
0 Q' O) T' l' X) Y+ }; d) @$ Z" u# x1 y% J0 e
Network: Properties 0 M: B1 r& a, y! k' H1 ?: V, T
该命令支持的系统 ' }2 q0 z8 m0 n
Windows 95/98/ME
2 `8 ]3 T: h& l# X. H& y* |命令功能
. N; q) f, V" ^, g. I6 QLaunches the Network Properties control panel applet.
! \) [* F0 |8 \7 ^4 E命令格式 9 D) ]6 T: x8 x2 |
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL netcpl.cpl
# y- t' J2 V2 a9 W- T5 s- E- Q/ ]* h1 X7 i7 Z' s5 T
Network: Properties (NT/2K/XP) , d( l( p& L+ L
# ^) g; X8 M' B8 `5 r0 ~Windows NT 4 ! b- _9 ~) p: y8 m) w6 [$ X( M, C
Windows 2000 ' @  X8 w# e, A* ^
Windows XP * D; o) y( \9 T3 F& K& j
6 O4 Z8 P+ `7 `2 lIn Windows NT 4, this launches the Network Properties control panel applet. In Windows 2000 / XP, this launches the Network and Dial Up Connections folder. ( x9 D/ e2 w! r: N
In Windows NT 4, the command can be called with or without an identification number (replace the # mark in the second example). The table below lists the effect of the number specified: 5 y! ^2 S5 W3 u2 u0 o

; k2 Z  S) Y* ]# 命令功能
5 D7 {  N  V$ j1 X; z& o# t6 B0 Identification ! n! B4 N+ t9 x8 u
1 Services ' l+ g  \& d3 t; h3 N0 A# ?( l
2 Protocols 1 b  d+ U8 k" A( \" p. I6 Z( ]& z
3 Adapters $ [/ r: K0 [+ [! N# P6 x$ O
4 Bindings
  m( P5 A' ]" u命令格式 9 a7 K4 K. R" A
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl ! E+ Q* F0 [' m& J
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ncpa.cpl,,#
2 Z! D2 k- J8 A% ]: \1 y" T; S& Z3 L* L9 G' {! b) {
ODBC: Data Source Administrator 3 b, [' |# l+ b! u& K
该命令支持的系统 + H% G0 W0 [! M- O' v
Windows 95/98/ME
( Z) V7 Y5 Z5 `$ @1 sWindows NT 4 , R. A- F. v1 h$ t. ~& R- B
Windows 2000
+ Q9 k1 N: Q5 {: UWindows XP
! a) G9 m2 ~( O, X  J命令功能 7 r; u0 w6 O3 h6 Q
Launches the ODBC 32 Data Source Administrator control panel applet 8 D! X  y; z2 |+ o
8 s: t" y! {/ a9 d2 VRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL odbccp32.cpl
$ K8 Z- x& w3 i, ?4 |5 n5 c% K3 m3 n
Passwords: Properties 1 ~" b. u" B" J1 Z7 }! |: P% o' h
& I8 ]% z2 \4 i# @* ^# U: XWindows 95/98/ME / U  j8 o/ }5 }5 Q5 h
命令功能 1 x; J) z. E6 T8 D2 ^( Z
Launches the Password Properties Control panel applet.
0 ?/ i3 j2 t" r9 z2 n命令格式
7 D$ c+ V4 }8 K& [6 BRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL password.cpl
6 Y, Q/ L" b* `4 Y7 d6 f1 J' ]& L2 i, @5 w
PCMCIA ) m+ [2 D2 c& o
该命令支持的系统 9 S9 {! E; d- S) Z
Windows 95/98/ME
" E+ Z  Z; ?. K- j8 ]命令功能 . H& k8 p8 s( d, v" v* ^
Opens the PCMCIA properties control panel applet if installed
0 G/ K) {" q7 `8 w0 ?( D命令格式
- v# n/ Y) {/ v; g: L: O& `) U! I$ v# FRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @4 # }: k8 x1 y' u

! v5 D4 ]1 Q, l: MPower Options
" c# z1 ?/ M4 n: X该命令支持的系统 ! g9 {; V4 f4 d( o* `
Windows NT 4 + r7 H* S1 f: D; A
Windows 2000
2 L  s. V  r9 mWindows XP * q( G! s7 @, ~" |+ j. Y9 I9 R
& I  E/ P; @* \- E5 t0 |/ sWill launch the Power Options Properties control panel applet
/ s# X% g# C$ h' |命令格式 , n0 r$ U2 g9 f% l, v* }' d
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL ups.cpl " g9 {* s8 y7 G- p7 }
  e: f/ k9 R- ?' u; ~4 D
Printers: Add New Printer Wizard
8 w7 A" x6 j8 W: w# n该命令支持的系统 * M- Y4 Y/ r6 b: C+ \* F% l2 M
Windows 95/98/ME
( A! G* w/ I0 GWindows NT 4 ; S$ P7 K$ Q: `: S, C
Windows 2000
- X6 x$ Z) Z& \Windows XP
' h; F% h5 n! w1 w命令功能 . c3 K  {& U8 T+ @0 ?
Launches the Add New Printer wizard.
# ~" t1 n+ U6 QOn Windows 95/98, appending ",,0" launches the Add New Printer wizard at its greeting page. If you omit this, you start at the Network/Local choice page. 5 i4 F! s! s( b( T8 x* @+ e
On Windows ME, this lauches the Add/Remove hardware wizard preselecting printer hardware types.
5 t: Y3 C6 y) A% m" b命令格式
  C% B- R/ K; N8 z: m& ~; ^7 }" JRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter & U; T& f' Y! k- w( v( V  n0 X) D
RunDLL32.EXE RunDLL32 SysDM.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL Printer,,0 5 @- d/ f6 P; c! w3 A
; v$ U; S& j: U4 m% L# S
Printers: Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port + \% e+ ^) M7 P4 A) I
4 U- O7 q5 Z( m: O0 ?. ^1 P  mWindows 2000 7 W4 Y# L) P5 D5 v; {
5 l% k5 U/ C, @) yLaunches the Add Standard TCP/IP Printer Port Wizard . \3 I2 O' ^# N% u' J
9 b  x! K+ o5 g/ j5 v$ `: vRunDLL32.EXE tcpmonui.dll,LocalAddPortUI 7 y" Q/ {6 t( G+ L" g% Z
* `: w2 Q  y% |6 |3 f  d/ {1 V
Printers: Open Printer Folder
0 M, W% q- m" g* C( O2 R该命令支持的系统 8 f4 |* S8 \% i' F. ]( v
Windows 95/98/ME 8 J# y) D4 g6 x& x6 `# h% u3 q1 B
Windows NT 4 ( r, w/ W0 u" ?) g/ E
Windows 2000
5 [/ o0 J7 @6 r/ G1 p$ ~) N2 TWindows XP
7 h2 T6 G. d( z' R. ^命令功能 4 G, i+ u" t9 G  F  m& }
This will open the printers folder
1 q! ]3 K& j3 m' d命令格式
- \4 \4 @9 c1 H5 J3 c" B1 w" pRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder ! A$ [1 r8 h; a  |, T
* o* _1 M- |% D: N; V8 ~# q' M
Printers: Open Printer Folder (additional) 9 Y: e+ I& a: {6 l+ Y- R& ?
% E6 \2 ~$ _" Z4 xWindows 95/98/ME
; H- x3 M. d' b! r" \命令功能
8 f  G: D8 ]4 y/ n+ Y5 `Opens the Priner folder
5 h' C7 G/ ~0 d% H9 P命令格式
; d3 o5 H0 R1 }% Y  d5 `RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl @2 " j1 O! ?, c5 h  w6 A# ?  D

% M$ Y" g- F# _% O5 EPrinters: Print Test Page
" S( t1 @6 D# @2 h0 W7 o' f该命令支持的系统
0 `- i" z) H' C4 cWindows 95/98/ME
# j1 H. d5 G8 m' L% m4 v7 CWindows NT 4 $ [6 T5 {2 c* Z4 y1 [% n6 [) H
Windows 2000
& u  U6 ^7 p4 j$ r+ nWindows XP
& K% F" p3 ^" ?" q( r( `命令功能 : R* L+ ^- T7 s$ p9 E9 @
Prints a test page
9 B6 x( l; S3 u' @. P, r命令格式 9 l% G- ], Q) I/ X1 s+ Z0 K
RunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintTestPage
' m% W) D5 R. f7 q
3 ]  q' @' i% C/ ]; dPrinters: Print Test Page (Win9x Alternative)
  ?8 r4 a8 @4 `1 L/ i" c该命令支持的系统
# V4 C5 s6 V0 P% n1 DWindows 95/98/ME
( g  K% b0 G4 a! ^命令功能
8 G8 z, ]$ y0 ~5 c0 uPrints a test page. Displays a window to pick an installed printer from; you can then Continue (which prints the test page) or Cancel. The Shell32.DLL,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintTestPage command does not always work on all Win98 system. This one does. : [2 R' C: X, z* h5 T5 K
' |2 R7 H( C$ Y# T2 o( A2 s9 KRunDLL32.EXE MSPrint2.DLL,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage
* g6 |$ T. i6 W' w! D7 ]1 p
; a# ?" _! r( q8 B3 w3 L9 hRegional: Advanced (Windows XP) , N% t8 I; s8 a+ Y
该命令支持的系统 * G: f# z8 O! X7 m$ k
Windows XP 7 \2 k, }7 _" Z" [! f# H! ?
命令功能 & V, T' {- ^) A8 U6 z- M
Opens the Regional and Language Options control panel applet to the Advanced tab
" _7 ~1 u2 C$ D; `" J: t$ h- V+ o命令格式
7 f: T' M3 p0 o' s4 BRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,2
, ~( l! S; y' R1 p' @
. f4 f2 N9 f- kRegional: Currency 2 a7 o6 y( j0 x% \- P5 b
该命令支持的系统 5 P0 B: p1 m$ B2 C9 e1 j+ _; b) _
Windows 95/98/ME
, h2 q( Q) A3 Y! {# XWindows NT 4
$ ~% {  D  O( x' J2 z, g) c1 fWindows 2000
1 Y6 t0 F- c6 |/ H命令功能
# R1 t3 L: D, hOpens the Regional Options control panel applet to the Currency Tab
- q$ ~- O& z* U5 \2 C命令格式
1 F3 v+ z& J+ U) \" IRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,2 1 l5 n+ F* v; i# `5 q' |

1 P7 m  ]  s0 U9 _4 PRegional: Date 6 a1 \$ j, `' L3 R8 S8 c* h& k. _: @
该命令支持的系统 9 A& T0 a0 E( f& f( Z6 D! B7 F- x* @+ z
Windows 95/98/ME
& ]# h2 N' R- f8 f/ h9 J* f/ SWindows NT 4
4 \8 U: a4 j! A# I! IWindows 2000
- W3 k; b* B& T" F8 J8 ]命令功能
* ^$ B, k$ {. JOpens the Regional Options control panel applet to the Date tab ! p+ [0 w8 `. R+ ]0 L) C
命令格式 ; s4 t0 I6 X1 K) ^/ g  `' d
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,   D$ k/ [. Z+ H9 N+ n

! S# J1 K2 X& y  \: @% URegional: General
6 j) W* V. l% |1 l2 r该命令支持的系统 / }6 y0 ~+ t  `5 t# B0 [
Windows 95/98/ME ( ^3 `8 T! m. ~& S( y: j8 L
Windows NT 4
( B8 p4 l, G2 B5 q" WWindows 2000 ; M2 g. T* b2 j; l
1 U8 P1 u5 G0 }% g( wOpens the Regional Options control panel applet to the General tab   ?" e& [1 a+ I/ f% J+ G6 o
命令格式 - ~0 e6 ~" v$ N" }
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,0
8 E  o5 R8 G- J& o4 V7 l- C' b+ l" n' G! s- T# p
Regional: Input Locales # t7 r# P  K1 O9 j. B$ S5 V
9 |) J4 Q. G6 b1 |& P8 yWindows 95/98/ME
/ p+ B: I$ J% `$ L2 H- D, QWindows NT 4 / f3 ?3 [& {, S7 v
Windows 2000
* h7 X- a( N3 |- H; P8 j( B, W; [命令功能
/ X3 J, _& H7 LOpens the Regional Options control panel applet to the Input Locales tab
' k' s4 _3 Y" m& H( O+ u命令格式
: r9 C# C, {) r: HRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,5
# a- q" o9 S$ ?  |7 }1 q; I8 b, k+ w
Regional: Languages
3 a$ I2 y2 ^8 t+ q2 a$ {7 ?该命令支持的系统 1 r& x$ v: z+ J5 p( x
Windows XP ( {' B! `$ _2 t4 x: m* c
3 o$ [% ?0 r- q  V* f7 sOpens the Regional and Language Options control panel applet to the languages tab ( g9 A+ F) O/ S* {& \
+ w" ^1 o5 y" m% L; d( i: W! KRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,1
/ x/ d6 C4 h3 q
  o+ ^! s* M/ z6 eRegional: Numbers
8 e! T' v) e" Q! @9 }2 Y+ d该命令支持的系统
  _1 u8 M% u: o6 z. }Windows 95/98/ME
3 A9 D1 \0 ~7 KWindows NT 4
4 M1 J1 o: B# x! [Windows 2000
6 b) X7 Z/ ^* Z; `命令功能
; E5 v8 T% N/ }Opens the Regional Options control panel applet to the Numbers tab . k' J  u& m& e4 x- y# V8 f
" y4 m, |4 _% B2 A; z' IRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,1 ( A! {) P% D" ~  A
1 |. V" Z  r+ b8 k3 X; @8 m$ f
Regional: Regional Options
  `' K" Q  S7 F! C该命令支持的系统
' Y/ _  p/ ?! ~0 `Windows XP ( n  N1 k3 M8 S! L; R
  o# T) j) j& |# }: qOpens the Regional and Language Options control panel applet to the Regional Options tab 4 u3 j: X1 R1 ~3 t+ V) |! A' {; Y
命令格式   S- \' m: R8 `" a/ }* [9 Z
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,0 4 }* |9 j, B. I  W8 g( `' Z+ \5 @2 \; P" l
9 x/ @, l' g7 O  ]4 C
Regional: Time   u0 B+ T- _4 N- ]/ J; a( w
该命令支持的系统 $ N+ f. J3 P' L2 m5 G  P- K
Windows 95/98/ME
' w# D3 ^. D* j! eWindows NT 4
9 v8 i1 {3 J6 T# j9 Z* GWindows 2000 5 U, R4 Q. P9 ]5 w" p! t
- K; y- R+ E5 J( ]" `8 H7 fOpens the Regional Options control panel applet to the Time Tab
0 M+ Q$ O- F$ I5 c) x; k命令格式
/ H: N; S& i# O1 o/ }6 f, l' `/ m2 yRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL intl.cpl,,3
' Z$ P8 c: P( ]  J/ \0 I' R
" ~8 s5 r- B3 ~9 TScrap Files
/ o3 N7 `4 N1 {/ D5 S3 ]9 c1 `) e1 m该命令支持的系统
; W' l  ]0 y; L/ VWindows 95/98/ME
+ W1 \1 t+ X; h5 L, P; i% ?Windows NT 4
+ O7 e0 Z: Z! S" L+ d' HWindows 2000 ) L# r" j$ v& @0 Y8 S
Windows XP
6 X0 l9 F3 [- S$ r5 v/ \命令功能
; O$ c. J0 j6 [2 i  e6 Z( IOpens the specified scrap file, where %1 is substituted with the path and file name of the scrap file to open. . _1 d; C  ]4 `
" C7 X' H' t4 Q2 `RunDLL32.EXE shscrap.dll,OpenScrap_RunDLL /r /x %1 1 K# s1 j: o1 p, P" _& @: n

1 N' x3 T1 }5 J8 T, Q  v& v  AScreen Saver: Install
( i, {, u6 S5 W! @" g  Y' _. |& W该命令支持的系统
' ~1 k# I# z/ H8 a+ _, w2 cWindows 95/98/ME
3 d, K; j% U8 n+ S. j: XWindows NT 4
+ t% l$ X6 _3 }+ Q9 u) @Windows 2000 ( }& H( U" {1 ~
Windows XP " I" E9 _! }5 b
' p$ L, D/ \! W9 Y3 bLaunches the display properties control panel applet to the screen savers tab and displays the screen saver (FileName.SCR) you designated as %1 in the preview window
) ?6 D) r$ S( o: L* X命令格式
8 X4 s6 `& b. C) k* hRunDLL32.EXE desk.cpl,InstallScreenSaver %1
2 \7 }. f& K4 O- O$ T5 n4 D) ^
- B0 C2 K/ |7 v8 w  F' cServices: Server Manager " f7 i' C; W. R3 N- Q( `* g
6 \( M/ W4 U% q- _  }/ F5 g: B( KWindows NT 4
" m6 q- Q% G: Z  A命令功能
& o# B/ N* V- A# s1 K& hLaunches the Server Manager.
& Z- \$ B3 q& r$ ~* n7 \命令格式
  d3 E7 F$ f1 k+ ^/ N6 c5 V" o' cRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL srvmgr.cpl
( X2 i6 H: |6 E/ H( p
  P% j! L: {/ O* {9 tShares: Create . x9 c) d' l) F: q0 t
0 @% A% s0 M% _) B4 O; iWindows NT 4
- P& q* t/ T8 X6 G& I5 }Windows 2000
" y; B$ \  u6 W) [1 z7 K7 D1 h$ x: I6 FWindows XP # T- h& Z- t' p2 s6 V
命令功能 1 b# ^$ p% P$ S1 C
Launches the New Share create dialog box in Windows NT 0 ^# `, Z' p+ p+ o& C+ ?
) ~( R" s7 W4 y9 ARunDLL32.EXE NTLANUI.DLL,ShareCreate % \* }4 m' Z0 t$ i3 D

5 T9 E7 U0 e1 MShares: Manage
% D1 t) _0 z. L9 p该命令支持的系统
$ m0 Q9 q$ G; \Windows NT 4
  j( h- |1 z6 Q- C" b, AWindows 2000
7 T+ R. @, b! ?. u5 rWindows XP 8 G3 }# P7 y8 _5 V$ g4 U
6 q$ k, q. V: U0 DThis launches the Share Directories dialog in Windows NT 0 m: P! v+ n6 f6 }: b2 Q& `
命令格式 ! X& Q& r) F6 c4 `4 k4 ~8 ]
" F2 F. w, Z' a' C- ^% S4 @6 s4 y7 {
Shortcuts: Creating 7 ~; Z+ ?! I) W' O
该命令支持的系统 . f6 {! ~2 \, T% Y/ h+ L2 A8 {
Windows 95/98/ME
9 z* f+ @1 D" B( B. J5 bWindows NT 4 3 w0 V, ]; s  B+ i. E! F3 e; z% o
Windows 2000
3 J: T0 F& v" u9 L9 ^  hWindows XP
* Z. Y* A# M$ F3 z& D命令功能
& X) F! c" F7 D3 ^  z. d$ \% MThis will launch the Create Shortcut Wizard, where %1 is the destination path for the new shortcut. % i/ F$ ]9 n# \
命令格式 " Z. B" S+ s- x
RunDLL32.EXE AppWiz.Cpl,NewLinkHere %1
* h. d( i6 y" J. f4 r3 l6 ]
  }! A9 h% h* Y7 N# ]. tSound Properties: Sounds (Sound Events)
  Z1 O1 C1 [# e  S0 j该命令支持的系统
/ [% t9 @* R5 ^. b7 X0 p* w2 V4 qWindows 95/98/ME
4 I4 v* q0 E1 \" S! F+ pWindows NT 4
4 T! B' P2 G" s' U# v5 r1 M命令功能
! O/ }! E- ~: Y8 u: MAssign sound to windows events
9 C4 G1 O* B# k7 _7 F, E! X4 e命令格式 2 E# Q6 a; c! i: \
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl @1
5 m. f( ~+ z( l+ a( \4 t- w7 _8 U# h2 b7 t$ S
Sounds and Audio: Audio ; I1 \: ?8 u  J, S% N
& i+ \5 _- O- m1 o) ~$ `8 uWindows XP ) T3 @" U7 a9 o3 c" [. R
' }3 [: P% K! E: A& ?6 U0 DOpens the Multimedia Devices Properties control panel applet to the Audio tab
9 F9 h' _0 T+ q/ A9 f9 Y, X: Z命令格式 ' r' \; K( W( M' G
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,2 0 l8 b8 P1 Q% s

3 K8 f" ?& F5 wSounds and Audio: Hardware 2 O2 H7 b& o, `' L+ I5 v
该命令支持的系统 ; T8 \! k5 K8 y3 t- [9 Q9 j
Windows XP 6 @- u  G6 s+ f0 N
) M; k/ J  Q6 N0 t7 ~2 SOpens the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties control panel applet to the hardware tab
9 Y% V+ a& t  d) H6 n命令格式 6 U8 B( w7 t- [" G2 c) h& s
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,4
/ f; S$ v% d4 T+ V2 ]# \2 K" W# T! L- g; p( m/ }# i
Sounds and Audio: Sounds (Sound Events)
  x+ D8 v8 H/ f1 V, g该命令支持的系统 : Z2 g! z- e2 N( G
Windows XP ) L6 Y0 {8 W+ ?0 _. }8 y
7 U! g3 l, w8 S; q  d* S4 q( i6 qOpens the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties control panel applet to the Sounds tab
- n: A: I+ V. A) ]$ S( X8 a命令格式 / c( f0 i' I$ u6 o
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,1 ; B, O/ r3 T) X5 \/ P% @5 B1 V3 G

, W7 S, P/ \; h" B6 P' ~% ESounds and Audio: Voice
# O  n8 J( f8 o" W! }该命令支持的系统
6 V! x1 e; k6 b. R5 N  MWindows XP
" F4 Q- g5 n+ W: ]$ c0 c: R: O+ l命令功能 * B" J+ |8 B  {* \6 x) n3 I# @
Opens the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties control panel applet to the Voice Tab # J5 r; D# o* q! ^9 y
4 f, D% ~$ a4 ?0 k: o$ URunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,3 9 f1 X' X0 W: D9 \9 \
3 e6 \6 B8 E6 B
Sounds and Audio: Volume
( L  }& D# F8 c3 v+ o1 G该命令支持的系统
! i, t# f; e  |: ~/ dWindows XP
- v7 t1 W  y  W' r; |9 Y* b4 Y命令功能
6 x- K* ^6 E4 P+ v6 R) f: k6 |Opens the Sounds and Audio Devices Properties control panel applet to the Volume Tab
5 }/ b9 I2 i. D4 y5 S; z命令格式
" d) L6 }$ X- _* M, @( l+ `. IRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,0
: ]: E# N4 e: q1 m/ P
- O7 |" d( n# U* f. DSystem Properties: Advanced : I% }( \( e9 v% M2 C0 z. ]) D* m
& S3 N) d1 i4 ]! BWindows NT 4 " X/ K  @5 `' t9 s# [+ d. R
Windows 2000
: S! \5 l. S2 ]Windows XP
' x' A( Z& v; M. n命令功能
1 K* R/ R$ B2 Y9 Z4 A4 i$ I/ n5 GLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the Advanced Tab. In For Windows NT and 2000, replace # with 4. For Windows XP replace # with 3.
" G, n* z0 H+ U0 p! f6 Q5 ~命令格式 2 D1 x6 F& ]1 T3 h
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,#
" |, |9 G  A% f2 i4 t- y. u4 ^% R) i% }3 z/ h4 q9 ]  ~; i: l! y
System Properties: Automatic Updates + {# ^% h/ m5 u! Z
该命令支持的系统 * _) u) d2 S) _" d1 c& j: k: U
Windows XP : ?) |7 k; D3 S) U1 `" G, j: a3 K
命令功能 : o& z% V; d& z4 X5 g
Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the Automatic Updates   n: I: `4 e- b' y6 R9 @. I0 ?
命令格式 ! N6 ^" k3 h* g2 K  D; F
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,5 . O$ [1 W( ?( L

- a# F, _' x/ l' X1 ]. XSystem Properties: Computer Name
  a6 d9 H4 E7 a. H该命令支持的系统 . T1 _7 r+ q" J5 z9 H
Windows XP
& x0 N2 J+ ?& r3 Y命令功能
: ?% q  v  b( E- `' iLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the Computer Name tab
2 P! F3 o* V) B. h命令格式 ! ~7 ^5 h- K2 M. l9 C9 z' T' B8 x
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,1 + e3 S+ ^7 }! u" F0 ~
- D0 |, e. i# J
System Properties: Device Manager
% I$ T9 ^0 `. B5 M/ b  o6 A# p0 g该命令支持的系统 4 |; E& }6 q+ J( b' s7 C2 x9 l0 o! `' q
Windows 95/98/ME
- u+ p/ Y& l# k( C命令功能 2 f& N% r3 y$ ~& h3 b( D
Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the Device Manager tab
  i! R6 S& P* I( i" t& E命令格式
/ ^3 f6 w$ s2 GRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,1
+ Y$ V( r/ B7 b" H8 M" }) m  R% X$ J- |( ^5 K1 I  X
System Properties: General
- Z4 Q# I  Q. B+ T3 ]$ ^7 M3 x该命令支持的系统
' q3 A. _; I& @( aWindows 95/98/ME
9 k' D3 ^  b3 VWindows NT 4
: A' Z* D# ]" w" N2 j# a" P; kWindows 2000
1 F7 Q9 ]3 q3 TWindows XP
" q0 m6 k" N+ k; l7 X, ~命令功能
( E; o$ H5 Z. F5 _+ p) yLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the General tab.
, t4 k5 r0 \# ]( a. C/ K- G命令格式
3 ~! V% Z7 l0 |4 vRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,0
0 W9 W  h8 j& b& K5 g- N  [4 K. u: _$ n0 [. W# ?4 t2 X3 h
System Properties: Hardware
0 {3 p$ D/ ?' h% {1 ?! t. ?该命令支持的系统 ! h2 p- `6 R) V8 l/ r% Z- W
Windows NT 4
" }9 K( Y2 Z0 L% c2 TWindows 2000
2 b1 ~' O) N3 Y7 lWindows XP 1 O  z" o  T  s4 s5 n
: K& H- \( n# ?) e: P& a2 G; ~Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the Hardware Tab
" r% N0 }0 h0 ^命令格式 4 H, ?/ r; R8 ^; M& ~5 K! W
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,2   `1 T4 B3 _! }% n3 r

& F1 j& }6 B- d$ r( N- V+ eSystem Properties: Hardware Profiles + d) a) o) a  e; I
该命令支持的系统 8 |5 u$ O9 ~/ e4 e' h7 E( K. `
Windows 95/98/ME
( ]+ `1 I& S& ]  l8 J. D命令功能 ( u( H+ f4 r6 K
Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the Hardware Profiles Tab
0 I/ k9 O5 R2 Y: E命令格式
2 \4 s2 |3 R3 }% |" }+ kRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,2
/ f# I$ @  B4 ?0 ?& B6 p/ |# f# P5 Q- T6 S& V& [" D
System Properties: Network Identification
' n* p0 i, E8 E  K. Y: d* G, K, q该命令支持的系统 9 w3 I' B+ Q9 l3 c2 E$ Y% p6 D
Windows NT 4
  l  G& f) P' J7 {* |Windows 2000
; o  ^! s( `9 ]* G命令功能
9 E$ Q. L* {* z; mLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the Network Identification tab
: ]! c4 ]4 E8 V/ Z* k, \7 n命令格式 1 O% N0 |/ I, V" p! \% [
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,1
. G5 a1 N& p; p: Y$ x3 l- G1 |: h, u7 Q) I) A" ~8 R& h
System Properties: Performance - X9 h$ L/ W) p$ v4 t/ n$ h4 l, n
该命令支持的系统 3 K: d: c& H$ K( a. Z
Windows 95/98/ME
2 P  C  Z# S2 f# i命令功能
5 s$ E* B/ d. R; XLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the Performance Tab 2 n; y0 q' k4 _* f; p7 d4 h
0 o- A* j8 s) }% mRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,3
3 g9 p" n+ o) w8 V7 A5 q/ g) B% \/ y3 `2 k
System Properties: Remote ! b* S& j: N) s5 m
该命令支持的系统 + Y2 H( L" M  l
Windows XP 8 U4 U' X& b3 a3 X
命令功能 7 z, k: L# Q! ~; Q/ i
Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the Remote tab
6 ?3 m7 Z" L# j7 P  E3 e2 n7 R命令格式
% C+ `4 ~! m+ hRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,6 ; @6 Q5 B) T  h' p7 S

# ^0 u- h4 f% wSystem Properties: System Restore
. Q3 H+ ]8 [) |+ n该命令支持的系统
5 M* b# ~0 h) f" ?! r$ t7 @9 XWindows 2000
8 w* ?; {/ o7 A6 O% V3 V1 _6 n9 FWindows XP
$ S) O. ]  e  e' s命令功能
. u/ M: R* `, Y& H. R9 O) k5 E2 X5 GLaunches the System Properties control panel applet to the System Restore Tab
& J% z7 w2 ]8 J" v4 |6 J' i' m! p% {命令格式
/ C7 J+ c0 Y2 |6 X$ v8 y; }RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,4
# ]$ @* N# e  T5 y0 J7 l" {3 q% M& m" ^9 d$ Y2 ?( M
System Properties: User Profiles
9 S2 V" I$ i0 o5 t该命令支持的系统 + h$ W( w4 |2 n& O
Windows 95/98/ME
# {5 v- ]4 s9 X7 H( Y4 U9 ZWindows NT 4
4 ~4 s# ]" M; q9 |$ Z: {Windows 2000
9 ~- ^6 M- _7 @8 t& `Windows XP
) X; ]3 A5 d$ i' V0 d% _! X命令功能
! e/ F5 e! O! U  x( E) @Launches the System Properties control panel applet to the User Profiles Tab ; }; j# g0 T$ _( ?/ _# T
命令格式 ( J, V4 g& o3 x
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl,,3 9 `2 P+ I) I2 w

4 G9 ?+ X; L1 GTelephone Properties
( r1 h5 V5 U9 F1 U该命令支持的系统
4 I6 R7 U" |% v: c8 ?4 T4 MWindows 95/98/ME
& q4 F0 d4 ]7 g1 K/ QWindows NT 4
  v8 H/ w$ {. L( Z% PWindows 2000 8 T( H$ E+ m  e# f; U
Windows XP % H+ A" ?5 B( w$ [
4 \' b4 t6 b" z" AIn Windows 9x, launches the Dialing Properties control panel applet. In Windows NT/2000/XP launches the Phone and Modem Options control panel applet
( z" P! _9 B6 g# a/ D3 _命令格式
- d* t. R# O' t3 GRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL telephon.cpl
' u! {% Y) p- e; t6 K7 R2 D# ]% _  B, O# J- G
Themes ! |  m5 M! O9 F! b4 |) k5 l& @
: y3 r3 u' R* u% B3 c% {% a, }Windows 95/98/ME - w# ^+ l! r& J6 y( n
命令功能 ; {8 _" C' @5 G9 q2 w- H; G; ^
In Windows 95 and 98 where Plus! is installed, this will launch the Themes control panel applet. + b) H9 u' `% Z$ }) L5 w. \, S! g
命令格式 9 V0 p9 W* O. F; m% `
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL themes.cpl
) D: M- o, T8 ]$ ]5 Q$ Z- j& E/ c1 m7 w+ b7 ]- Z% P: N5 k' k5 z* s" f
Time and Date: Properties
0 H3 a! k- d' \! G7 V8 b* o该命令支持的系统
& J8 g4 S& f8 w% x6 U5 a# ^Windows 95/98/ME   B4 u  l4 y: a8 [* w
Windows NT 4
* ^/ A. f/ g3 vWindows 2000 / ^1 g' J9 R/ a  M
Windows XP ( k( @2 d  h8 Z' |9 z3 [% w
+ e$ a2 ]7 N" m1 f3 gLaunches the Time and Date Control panel applet to the Properties tab
& x, O% e' B9 K# q) u% l- `' F命令格式
! b' j5 O. z7 p1 ^: I2 GRunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl # H7 O0 z, {5 R1 K

! ?5 x. Z+ |- u& {9 Q: G6 TTime and Date: Time Zone
, C+ T" E2 c# k% l该命令支持的系统
: E+ U4 S; n2 oWindows 95/98/ME
+ t, Q  q5 R5 i* F$ IWindows NT 4 $ `( B2 H5 U; L
Windows 2000 8 M& E* U0 W% X- c  J/ M7 m! S
Windows XP
# ]7 S3 y; K! L7 ~5 Y  U0 P命令功能   X  [2 X8 Z$ S" i, `! |
Launches the Time and Date Control Panel applet to the Time Zone tab . v" ?0 Q: u4 Q7 P' V4 d
命令格式 5 i  m; w/ e$ z5 }( D
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,,/f   t- v3 e/ h  T( J+ v# d

; `6 x, i  @$ iTweakUI
# U1 N# v) A0 ~& }. ~该命令支持的系统 & f5 F/ q+ R& A# ^2 ]
Windows 95/98/ME
. n6 ]- _* P4 {: V0 iWindows NT 4
! [9 i8 Y8 M8 d6 r. h命令功能
4 Q) }- M- L+ D7 ]) Z9 v' [In Windows 95 and NT4 where TweakUI is installed, this will launche the Tweak UI Control panel applet 7 S0 ?2 `9 k, o1 N4 d5 J0 M5 H" o
( T; @# c% {* g4 ?RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL tweakui.cpl
% V) l! I- W1 y1 N& e0 t# R
! F5 Q/ O& e( c; ~Users: Enable Multi-User Setting
, R; X1 K; v' y: n6 C该命令支持的系统 0 ?1 }6 B0 i9 @' c/ \( t
Windows 95/98/ME ( ~+ h" A* m% y) ?0 q
命令功能 # ]  J8 v" c+ x  O! y2 C' M! M4 v
This launches the Enable Multi-User Settings wizard. " b- w7 `# }: @' R4 M/ ~1 J
命令格式 / ?8 |) U2 C- Q3 n% Z/ x
RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL inetcpl.cpl @1
6 N  Y/ i/ y/ S4 D1 R. h2 U; T0 @6 V9 d+ [% h- H
Windows: Lock Computer
+ t5 P) B8 k% v6 m3 C( O$ A该命令支持的系统 * ~) C) G% W5 G" s3 g. Y! U8 }
Windows 2000
4 r2 b9 ~# N) y  Q; S' SWindows XP
# _" _: \* @! ^+ `- |. z3 [1 k命令功能
: T3 C! n: y, ?' b$ sLocks the workstation - as though you pressed Ctrl+Alt+Del and then Lock Computer
9 |0 n3 _: F4 A$ f6 C/ [( @命令格式 / c$ B) g& r2 d& P9 ~2 F( Y% E
RunDLL32.EXE user32.dll,LockWorkStation
1 E1 b$ Y9 `  [0 _' o% f/ p
" ^  J2 \. M6 R0 g6 S3 T$ N# J( FWindows: Log Off
# G5 W5 t2 n5 B- U9 t/ e2 L' R该命令支持的系统
# b9 r3 k6 J- N( KWindows 95/98/ME
& y5 `6 A. u' Q, j9 v5 o5 Z命令功能 1 u! `+ @) u6 `: Z" W
This will log the current user off without any dialog boxes. + x7 o  _- A% @7 |2 c& u
, B0 o# k% V# Y+ j$ M7 ^  D# pRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 0
" d, B2 q" ^! n3 g# y: F( U' ^! h) e8 d) a- t' V
Windows: PNP Power Down 4 d  @! u0 ~" _+ \5 B' ^. G% d: _$ N
该命令支持的系统 5 i4 `- I/ ~% s0 o3 ~  q
Windows 95/98/ME , f0 v" n8 L8 m1 [! D% L( X7 |
命令功能 7 w/ C( j! _# B- G% ^- Q; S* Q2 s
This will power the computer down (If the hardware is compatable with a power down command) * D# p* b! j8 G- |2 i
# o0 |8 f" q& y5 KRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 1
0 Y8 k$ {# h; K1 Q9 q! j5 N/ S/ Y4 L0 W4 e& b* [' I
Windows: Reboot : E# b. x. S) R! K3 ]
. A3 J4 W2 j1 d  TWindows 95/98/ME
7 r) R+ z5 A+ e& [, x命令功能
5 Z2 O; B- v6 YThis will reboot the computer without any dialog boxes 7 e4 s5 z) m3 R, ?- y! t
* H  n5 Q5 h; z% L; FRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx 2 ) o7 h# Y2 E) K3 w+ x/ v) k: M

  C0 G2 A  C* L+ z. \) Q& }Windows: Restart The Explorer 5 D( ^4 J/ E* R3 h( E! v6 p3 C
该命令支持的系统 - \" p$ H& a# S' c9 ~4 t
Windows 95/98/ME   r+ m4 C; U& j) ^. V
命令功能 ) [& Y( B4 D- _  X; v
This will restart the explorer shell.
% f, G8 `! U! k3 V* o命令格式
8 p) K/ s0 U5 b4 BRunDLL32.EXE SHELL32.DLL,SHExitWindowsEx -1
- |( ~. M3 Z3 F( q2 C4 ~4 \- {1 b  n( p& h* J* a! ~  O* @7 Y0 q
Windows: Shut Down the system either enters a suspend (sleep) state or hibernation. , d+ [" p( Y% O+ @* _
该命令支持的系统 ) F/ N; [1 b# L3 U6 O  X: B
Windows 98
' x) I, V* {9 {2 nWindows 2000
! v1 X. z" m+ |& T- DWindows XP
* N7 \8 y" g& k$ J2 G# I4 ]8 O命令功能
7 e5 U' U7 U' m, zTransit the system from the working state to the standby (sleep), or optionally, hibernate (S4) state. # i$ m0 a$ Y* R% j1 R( S& M7 N
I test this command in windows 2000, it standby. / y1 T, S9 N9 g% Q7 {" n
I test this command in windows XP, it hibernate.   Z% U0 s* ^$ @$ w* X
) V* x: o* l1 Brundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0 c1 G. v+ s; Q" _

- T  a0 ?* d# ?9 H8 ZWindows: Shut Down to "Safe to.."   X+ S; F8 P( L) o( v, S
该命令支持的系统 ( O& e* l2 E' N4 u% ^" F
Windows 95/98/ME ) y  a) w" d: V* r
命令功能 - F* j, s2 c' w
This will shut the computer down and leave it at the "It is now safe to shut down your computer" screen. " W# D( E) I2 l; E/ e/ G
4 _% L9 Q9 G% ]% ^; g5 pRunDLL32.EXE USER.DLL,exitwindows 6 y1 w4 V& b& u) E* h

# j9 V+ J& G6 ^2 E( k( VWindows: Unload the Kernel
- i/ J0 X" t! J该命令支持的系统 : n7 X7 d7 v. ]4 A/ t$ s; X
Windows 95/98/ME 9 m7 L$ F" q; B
7 |6 g) M0 P0 L# D1 fThis will unload the Kernel, which will result in the shut down of windows. # I. W( y4 E- c: r4 {8 ?8 x
( w* E# K+ T. S4 {, g9 S, gRunDLL32.EXE krnl386.exe,exitkernel
发表于 2006-8-19 13:24:16 | 显示全部楼层
rundll 文件不可能是单独启用的,一定是某个exe文件调用乐某个函数的功能的时候才用到rundll,因此这个程序经常被黑客病毒等利用,具体的大家可以利用分离软件查看究竟运行了什么dll文件。: h( }& j2 l3 b

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-20 18:11:12 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-22 19:28:54 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #2 rulingdanny 的帖子


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-22 19:51:22 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 rulingdanny 于 2006-8-19 01:24 PM 发表
8 b% R; L7 K( h2 z! y' d, g0 [rundll 文件不可能是单独启用的,一定是某个exe文件调用乐某个函数的功能的时候才用到rundll,因此这个程序经常被黑客病毒等利用,具体的大家可以利用分离软件查看究竟运行了什么dll文件。
0 h/ a) b" b! }  a1 E/ J" f谢谢发布!
9 E/ l; s4 t! s; c8 h5 w

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