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Farewell, my puppy love

发表于 2009-1-4 03:57:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Far way from all friends and family for such a long time;. [5 Y  k( ]% \+ q3 m
' N. |" x, S7 [' u# l; b
All those friuts of happiness and sadness gradually fermented into ripe wine;$ q% x0 W; i, L
1 s( Q: K- `- c' d0 i" a% g
Even the moment when your name creeps upon on me, the heart no longer feels the suffering;5 x/ v3 I6 K! u& D2 L" E( U) \% j: Y( H
" L* S2 y2 h4 b. [. i- b
I guess time itself is the best remedy, releasing me from the desperation of a unrequited love;# Y: }% G5 B( S6 v& K

$ z+ ~+ l$ t. c; `With the passage of days and nights, your face fades away from my mind, leaving just a way-out;- o) }0 h* [1 Q; F

# U, x' }/ i' Z, V. p  c( PGratitude  to you, for coloring the most valuable phase of my life, teaching me how to love and what to sarciricice for love;
" y% B% k; y6 t. N
) @6 k! n  H! r# t0 ~( j3 ^1 lThose blissful and miserable memories wil be sorted out and saved in some dark corner of my mind, untraceable to anybody else;
0 I; \' {" D2 ^" v$ s4 b2 w! e. ~! M, ~
My aspiration and love for you has expired at the end of 2008, my 23-year old birthday. Now and evermore, I will treat you as old friend only. You figure will not be my focous and your smile will not be my unique pursuit any longer;
& {7 ~% n5 z2 J& P
9 A% |; _9 q, S6 }You are supposed to have your own life, so I am doomed to be a passer-by; Adversely, you are only an coincidental intruder of my life, predestinated but shall depart in the end;6 r* ]) t& ]3 s' R: e$ _% Q( H
* l5 S, u0 r+ i' ^! [+ t, J
So you will be blessed by God, with whom I will pray throughout my whole life;
+ [; t! }& e+ Z( c$ N" o% A# E- k$ O& Y
So tonight, allow me to scream out your name for the last time, rigously with bloody tears; Afterwards, your life will only be your life;
% J8 F# }) z3 n8 _- D  S1 \0 M1 \$ ^+ K! r0 a! Z3 w; v: h
So my dear, next time we meet together, I should and can look into your eyes straight with calm and peace, like two long time no see friends. Smile shall also be friend-way smile only;
: _- ?9 |) @  U0 G3 e, ~$ Y
- L1 d- k  |. W9 VBut my love, never and ever, you will perceive I used to love you so much, repeated and endlessly tormented everyday by your minor wormth and numerous apathies;
9 @6 p. F: G7 o# n7 x( O  R/ Z. b1 b- T# E! `& n
Your shinning smile under the blue sky on the grassy meadow with frowned eyebrow, has become a permanent vivid   picture in my mind. A flaming memory, that has engraved in my heart, till the date I shall pass away from this miserable life.
" H0 f5 O2 s8 L
% W6 Z" O8 F% M4 h0 PTonight, you belong only to me.
发表于 2009-1-4 11:23:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-4 11:35:29 | 显示全部楼层
“I will treat you as old friend only.” Will you?
0 X4 {7 g& i, _- m* Y1 w* b“So you will be blessed by God, with whom I will pray throughout my whole life”: I4 i3 F1 ~3 t8 j) l
it‘s not God ,it's you who bless him.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-1-4 11:35:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 springzh 于 2009-1-4 11:51 编辑
% y" P! n* I& o  g) V  B! p8 `5 p6 e* V  _' o& ~' y- D, r* o
The greatest thing you’ve ever learn is just to love and be loved in return......

使用道具 举报

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