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与Spencer Quest 互通E-MAIL!!!

发表于 2011-12-23 21:52:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lovingshane 于 2011-12-28 22:55 编辑
& J& W3 [3 S. h! W3 U
; G6 R& j; T+ X* M* L! I8 H; @7 n; ^- T  j4 \$ I$ t) D

$ Q1 g# X  x! n- X' J6 zDear Spencer ,+ Y  r7 ^4 k8 K
    I am your chinese fan ,and I love u very much ! Please take care of yourself !2 x- X* I  p9 J' L! S. s
0 x3 K$ {% b; V/ F. E* c9 C
                                                                                                    yours. J  ~+ `; D; Y$ }  I$ W. `+ g4 z
. l# y4 J4 w* R5 R6 `% ]7 U
, D. `% `7 ~! \3 ]( k
9 _9 V& [' }' eXXX--, \8 n  V7 c, e$ _2 J! R8 \5 b
Thank you!  Excuse my lack of knowledge, but I assumed gay porn or any porn wouldn't even be accessible in China.  It's nice to know I reached you all the way over there.  Where exactly are you from--Just curious.  Will use google maps to find you!, K$ ~: P1 N& f/ H! G/ l1 |
4 N$ M3 l- ]) I/ r
8 |5 r9 x: K- C( @6 a) \3 J4 g( Z
, G, }/ T0 h+ N! @( q& W- P8 ?. l& }Hello Spencer,
) ?4 `/ u0 N" YThank u for replying my e-mail !
$ o5 {, f; {4 y: d1 WI'm so exciting ,U know ,For me,U r a super star.3 g% `9 e/ a5 e, d0 u; D& x
I'm 26.I'm gay , and all over the world know China is a feudal state ,not open as USA .1 w- T. `2 H( F' P; I. e
My parents & friends don't know that I am gay.I couldn't tell anyone of them.4 k; P5 ]) L0 t# ?6 D4 Z
If people know U are gay ,my parents will be very sad and  my friends7 p9 h1 ]  F4 ]1 H3 i
will laugh at me .I don't want to lost them.8 Z3 W* H0 ?% o' S
It is so hard to find someone that u love .
6 f3 `4 n0 l* W0 p" `5 P/ hUnder the social pressure,maybe in the future I will get married.But I think I will destroy the rest of girl's life .So I am really confused.
* R# W; s3 {7 y2 B' AI have no idea.Can U tell me what  I should do in the future ?7 I  G1 B, H% |' P0 r* ~) \
U are very curious about how I know u?3 }: ]1 o8 p: |$ p
To be honest.I download a few gay porn movies from Internet.And I understand it is violate the law in USA.+ E9 K7 M8 f& F& t
U are a very handsome man. U have talent. And I love U !8 Y0 x; ^. G8 |
I almost lost my heart When I heard that u had HIV.8 L3 V: X+ I: r% d
I wish you good health ! Please take care of yourself !! g8 Q! H* J5 A' {: g* e
Oh ,wrtie too much today.My English is very poor,Hope U can understand what
9 H/ B  W0 y) K/ wI write today.+ B2 h4 V: K: S
Please reply .
2 ?- c; G4 L* d& U; y. `That's all .Thank u !% w) l- P% I7 J6 \3 m$ W* E9 P
Yours ,$ |4 I: d2 y( {
XXXX/ n% ?3 \* k! y
7 h# w- a( t# _, g5 t) x
ps:To update ur blog,I will always pay my attention on you !
: I" ^- n1 g7 b:)Big Brother is always watching you! ) m/ P2 }( a; I. w+ b1 L
It's a joke,please don't mind !
% f, \& ?) a6 X7 Q# U" d" J- e; r7 @  s" {" g' _( y! w
8 d& Z; N" o" X+ N0 r2 f
  W8 ^9 G6 G  J, O7 q% [4 m/ g6 D" y/ wI am sorry it took me so long to reply.  And I thank you for your email.  I just looked at google maps and saw your town a and some pictures.  I am ashamed that when you wrote, I imagined a stereotypical Chinese village instead of the big urban area where you live.  Some of the architecture is beautiful!  
% c& H  t" z. ]1 G
5 A0 s" O6 r: Z- wBecause you live in a more urban area, have you been able to find other gay young men??  I certainly hope that some day you can live the life you want to live.  It is sad that you may not and that you might have to marry.  
( c( m1 d2 O% u* U4 a
, q7 T8 a: }2 K( n6 t: Q/ YYes, I am HIV positive, but it's not as sad as you may think.  I do have a boyfriend whom I will probably marry, and he is negative.  I plan to live a long life!  So don't worry about me.  
+ v3 }4 l: \+ M% r" u3 t3 m; L/ |; C  Y9 x( Q6 `5 p" e
I hope to update my blog, but my life is so busy it is hard to find the time.  I'm glad to know that when I do update, you'll be reading it all the way across the world.  
. E, a' ?. t1 |- F
8 I& M5 Q$ J$ k  gSend a picture of yourself!!
- e" ]6 a8 W* @* q/ i% J3 Q
$ H. L/ c4 G! m* Dspence
! F4 H: U8 P' K. Q
8 _7 R8 M% v& ~" H  U( o5 W% l' Q- a6 a6 i$ Z$ I0 `
Hi Spencer,( a- O3 c' H' Q% b, Y6 H8 b( n9 T
Thanks for your e-mail.  My apologies for the late response... 6 E2 _4 g' X+ x5 @7 q+ G
I'm too busy recently!
( F5 r, x& u* C8 H5 e. s
Find a lover in China is the most difficult thing for me !- r# N: k/ V7 s: G: g
I want to tell you that you don't know about China.
( N6 H! f) X, w5 B) n, E# Z" bIt is very hard to fight for my right  !:-(
- @; g2 u! e; T4 O
. k" d! Y4 H) M2 _And USA is a amazing country for me !
! {# X8 L9 Y8 y9 ]4 qI personally like reality shows.such as,
) r( w% U/ ]4 B/ I'american idol','survivor' ,'the amazing race'.! S0 ]( e* o; m3 k! T2 Y1 f
Do you like watching reality show ?
; [) ~. N' V- m8 T& g$ n" _I also like watching  witty sitcoms or drama shows, like6 t7 ]3 k( P; ~  \' y
Desperate Housewives, The Big Bang Theory and the Simpsons.
. Z2 i$ K/ D( y; L/ p1 jWhen I was a student,I watched Friends ,sex and the city,% T# H3 H1 A% D9 ~2 l# {
24,C.S.I,and so on .Friends is my favorite.( Q) |2 J# _6 a  e
& R2 V0 i8 |5 s0 K
Speak other things .Maybe you don't konw now in China ,KFC and
8 W; L& p1 s* tMcDonald's are very popular with youngsters.so do I .I like eating
3 Q4 D' B, Z& [5 ~- Q; q$ S1 {hanburger.A lot of foreigners like eating chinese food.Chinese food: ?) a/ m- W; Z' u' J
is healthy and delicious .Do you like chinese food?
- W  d& x' R* N8 w; G6 t7 ZIf you come to China ,I will invite you to eat some delicious chinese food.
+ Z# \) \5 g2 h  o8 k  X  a1 I9 o& K) E, |+ \
Next time, Can you tell me something about you (your job,your2 ~' \: [" R5 L1 ~: k! g! _5 B
life,you family and so on ),Just curious.Will you share with me?5 |* G' }+ H* ?# K( w

: w) m0 x% T/ }$ ?Ok,That's all ! I must go to bed !
" Q- Y/ o6 `9 W) {May your future life be full of happiness. Wish you happy everyday.. z# ~. s' {- |. S0 O+ i0 J
3 V  b' c0 @3 n: N; p9 n+ a
Your chinese boy ,; n$ W) p5 u- D- ^/ e
% G# A# v& r% D  rPS: I'm ugly. I hope you don't mind the photo.0 ^. F7 x: x5 ?1 E" j! j

% V- k, \) {: ~( h/ X! }6 P; T. t) I1 R4 \' n# t! _# ^- |
8 C+ v/ o" t) U
. ?" i' A' T5 ]+ B5 J5 X2 ySorry for the delay; I, too, am very busy and sometimes dont get to answer emails for weeks.  But I wanted to write to thank you for your pictures and to tell you that you are BEAUTIFUL!  I know it must be hard being gay in your country, but you must never let the rest of the world make you feel badly for who you are.  You are a handsome gay man who happens to live in China and who cannot express himself as freely as if he were in another country.  And you have a sense of HUMOR!  I love the picture of you sticking out your tongue!!  ; k  n" n$ h9 Y5 v8 k, w3 y3 n1 v

' r! R" n9 F% W6 y' K, @Me?  I am very busy at work.  I am in charge of all the outreach and education on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.  I provide people with the education they need to make choices in their sexual behavior to keep them from contracting HIV.    I am also a musician (I play the piano and love to sing old standards) and I am an actor (I'm currently in rehearsal to play the title role in Edward II.  I have a boyfriend of 5 years and two kittens.  In my town, I can walk hand-in-hand with my boyfriend, I can kiss him in public, and everyone knows that I was a porn star.  And it's all accepted as okay.  I figure I might be in jail for that in your country??7 _8 Y, C4 |& L1 }8 i

9 I/ d$ F4 _& {2 H( wAnyway, please don't take it personally if I don't write back for a while--I am just busy.  
- B" b; z" n5 n- }8 m
3 I; n# ?1 H7 q9 w" j2 I# s; ]& j- [; d
# {; n. m- |  V' l- C- d; P( xspence
$ c0 F, i8 `: i% u5 U
/ d) G1 }7 `# ^+ h
 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-23 21:54:54 | 显示全部楼层
Spencer Quest 已经隐退好几年了!之前的片子部部堪称经典。3 s/ Q, J4 m" \7 k! m8 l- Q$ @

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发表于 2011-12-23 23:47:27 | 显示全部楼层
有些单词 不认识,得查下!

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发表于 2011-12-24 00:58:09 | 显示全部楼层
You two now become friends, so great!0 d% I5 N; I" t" O  E0 [
And would you show more pictures of him if you don't mind, cause I still don't know who he is!

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-28 22:56:25 | 显示全部楼层
( u6 }  D+ j& V* T6 C" ]/ d04-06年 的当红G星

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发表于 2011-12-29 03:17:48 | 显示全部楼层
04-06我还在大学了,那时候还真没接触过G片吧我记得!4 }4 i" z, K* j# |" W7 K8 L0 P

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