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发表于 2006-12-3 21:40:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
我的移动硬盘里有病毒.病毒名为:Trojan.DL.Agent.apb.我怎么也删不了.最后我把移动硬盘文件全删了. 我用正版的瑞星杀病软件杀了.可是他还是里面.真是奇怪.后来点了移动硬盘的属性.但里面还有文件.我真的搞不懂了.文件不知道在哪.
发表于 2006-12-3 22:08:29 | 显示全部楼层
我认为,虽然属性里面还显示有文件的空间,但是这些空间只是一个空壳子。如果你整理一下你的移动硬盘,比如说进行碎片整理,或者是用超级兔子优化一下,这些空间就没有了. m4 |% v3 l& R1 y5 H
6 M' ^  U  @) X谁有不同看法?

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发表于 2006-12-4 13:29:27 | 显示全部楼层
Common name: Agent.APB
& k( n% H+ ]5 i: h2 p1 L! H2 D  0 y* {: o, _/ b
Technical name: Bck/Agent.APB 2 N# C$ L9 \# o0 F, _7 B
6 I+ ~4 z  o3 ]Threat level: Low % V1 P/ L% a  a/ p0 B) Q
$ G  o! c5 M) v' `7 V0 ZType: Backdoor 8 y# H  |2 r. S( d5 q( w# @
  b5 A" y$ K* V. M" n, a# JEffects:   ) D& b% Z/ j8 z+ S9 A
It installs a proxy server, opens a random port on the affected computer and provides its author with the information necessary to access it remotely. One of its components provides it with the ability to make downloads, so that it can update itself.7 P: k4 q/ f, Q+ Q% A1 A$ h
1 i7 v% f) J$ C( j: T2 h7 ^: p. S
4 H0 R6 T  M) C/ J" {# q& g
  - b  t( Y, ?$ W$ ]1 Z
Affected platforms:  Windows 2003/XP/2000/NT/ME/98/95
# j  {  m! E4 U6 [, S& B 6 }/ L9 w8 _$ M5 f6 `# w' F1 s  w
  & W! B. Z  a$ q! C
First detected on: Sept. 27, 2005 % y/ ?6 E8 ^7 }+ H
  , j: B) |4 A5 I. q% d
Detection updated on: Sept. 29, 2005 3 w! {" R2 d$ }: K: J. p" m2 M) B
1 ?! R" p9 Q+ n& N4 v2 IIn circulation? No % U/ [$ d: J$ X: R5 S- ~
" P, ?. P* ?' u3 H2 Z3 n0 B+ WProactive protection: Yes, using TruPrevent Technologies    W! ?6 t- O8 b1 a1 @

9 C, t4 @3 `( @! ?  D  ; }& @9 H) b7 j& o/ _
" v2 B7 a4 |2 A1 j) K
Brief Description  
9 u. h8 |* F: v+ y+ t- a
+ ~6 T0 ~, b; K# gAgent.APB is a backdoor that installs a proxy server, and opens a random port on the affected computer.
+ k( y7 k: I, K. J5 i4 K7 g. W' m5 ~6 o4 {! `' t$ [% {* A  H
Then, it makes GET requests of a specific format to three different websites in order to notify its authors that the computer has been compromised and supply them with the necessary information to access it remotely: number of the port opened, version of the operating system, last known IP address, etc.7 b8 D( \8 B0 K

: k) g9 k% h" l  tAdditionally, one of the components of Agent.APB provides it with the ability to make downloads, so that it can update itself.; D0 Y2 U3 _; e

5 Y  I6 ]  m( y, OAgent.APB does not spread automatically using its own means. It needs an attacking user's intervention in order to reach the affected computer. The means of transmission used include, among others, floppy disks, CD-ROMs, email messages with attached files, Internet downloads, FTP, IRC channels, peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks, etc.4 X- h& Q! j- d
$ r  s9 `/ I" O, n# X. B

; P/ `6 E8 [; H+ ~& {Visible Symptoms   1 d$ b; T- S( o; X& A+ g2 i

( @& j  p0 q5 G3 VAgent.APB is difficult to recognize, as it does not display any messages or warnings that indicate it has reached the computer.
8 A: h( T6 X. ]5 f0 ~
& P: a7 T9 J+ W! ]上面是这个病毒的特征,用panda可以删除

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发表于 2006-12-4 13:33:46 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-5 18:27:51 | 显示全部楼层

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