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发表于 2011-11-5 23:21:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
不知道在这个论坛有多少人听过katy perry的《the one that got away》 听着听着居然哭了,跟这歌词太有共鸣了。0 |3 T) a) j4 l* {5 ?$ u/ l" m

& u' s  i8 b  D7 {0 a$ sSummer after high school when we first met   我们邂逅在高中毕业的那年夏天   
- z( s  ^. d6 m  |) D2 jWe‘d make out in your Mustang to Radiohead   我们在你的“野马”里听着电台司令的歌亲热   
8 b( F5 h. X) r# {& iAnd on my 18th Birthday  在我18岁生日那天   # T. W. X1 e+ l& M  x/ J
We got matching tattoos   我们一起纹上了情侣纹身   
/ V& z! d! M, ]' zUsed to steal your parents' liquor   曾经偷过你爸妈的酒   ) F, x. S- E; a& C
And climb to the roof   爬上车顶   5 l2 z" T8 r2 b+ y  L) A3 m
Talk about our future   谈论我们的未来   , C$ s1 ]9 }+ T+ Z2 m
Like we had a clue   仿佛我们真的能预见未来   ' m& U# Z9 n+ m8 ?7 H# t
Never plan that one day   那时从未想过   7 Z( L% q! J! _9 B8 J! Q* x/ ]4 \
I'd be losing you   有一天我会失去你   
- K( a3 i4 ^3 s& o1 t6 e1 ^And in another life   来世   8 H/ X7 Q$ {1 |0 [# v% u1 V
I would be your girl   我将是你的女孩   
0 z8 B6 U& y# y) IWe keep all our promises   我们信守承诺   + ?+ n0 U9 s( q8 D3 c( w2 J
Be us against the world   活出自我,与世界为敌   ; k* [! N( y+ c& o  q& ^
And in another life   来世   ) x4 g8 c. {; ~, ]/ {) i6 r1 K
I would make you stay   我会让你留下   : \0 C' ?4 J4 w$ `+ w2 {8 Z8 e
So I don't have to say   所以我不必说   ; H  b0 {8 B& `1 n/ @
You were the one that got away   离开的人是你   1 s3 p; _: V6 ]) u& ?1 a! Q# T; J
The one that got away   离我而去的人  
% R8 z' x& b, X I was June and you were my Johnny Cash   如果我是June你就是我的Johnny Cash   9 U' [5 F; y8 v! S. G8 B
Never one without the other We made a pact   我们盟下誓约,不离不弃   ) J( M0 ~! H8 k! H! D+ ]
Sometimes when I miss you   当我想你时   
) A7 S$ m: {3 G7 VI put those records on   就放放这些唱片   
7 r' V+ l+ ~) ESomeone said you had your tattoo removed   有人说你把我们的纹身弄掉了   0 F# p, d% x% f$ m7 ]+ X7 r5 O
Saw you downtown singing the blues   看到你在市中心唱着蓝调   3 G2 t- w4 D" W0 ]& i
It's time to face the music   是时候接受现实了    ( ]) f, |. T! G; r; X
I'm no longer your muse   我不再是你的缪斯(灵感女神)了   $ O, s; X( \6 o' @, \, k
And in another life   来世   4 |1 [. a! N4 J4 h
I would be your girl   我还是你的女孩   / v' i+ [8 |2 f9 T6 A* }
We keep all our promises   我们信守诺言   
- t* N( B2 r; w% v  I7 s4 X; LBe us against the world   活出自我,与世界为敌   / ~3 F0 L& @, y; [7 z( h3 m
And in another life   来世   
8 r, D1 r8 d; ?1 u* AI would make you stay   我会让你留下   2 l) a( v/ [: p6 Q
So I don't have to say   所以我不必说   2 d) O! B. o3 k* f5 d% _  i, f. F
You were the one that got away   你是离开我的那个人   ! b4 b1 k( e) @0 Y: j; Y
The one that got away   离我而去的人   # r, @; ~' y. f- Q
The one (X3)   The one that got away   离我而去的人   ! R# T! s/ Y% Q" Q/ j0 e, ]
All this money can't buy me a time machine (No~)   再多的钱也买不到时间机器   ! O. o2 a* T# E$ O0 W, c% C4 ~: J
Can't replace you with a million rings (No~)   再多的戒指也不能取代你   & }+ w; w8 G. e; W
I shoulda told you what you meant to me (Whoa~)   我本该告诉你,你对我是多么重要   
: a" b- M0 ~# D! k3 K" |6 i4 iCause now I pay the price   如今,我为此付出代价  
发表于 2011-11-6 01:52:36 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-11-8 01:33:54 | 显示全部楼层
和楼上相反 我觉得那个翻译 真的。。。 啥叫与世界为敌啊

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-11-8 23:42:30 | 显示全部楼层

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