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发表于 2014-3-20 21:28:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

2 C& W4 F' ?. H0 \: s/ _6 e( k! l* v+ }- H1 m
) u6 z1 k$ v, p2 [$ e2 A, H3 ^, m

! a/ c5 a+ n; g9 V" T2 x4 `& d2 B" z' y% N" w! f
4 I* D3 t, u; R" l6 S# @
$ s- L9 `) i4 F+ \" F' Y
5 R$ K& c3 m- B/ v1 d

, R5 J7 o5 K) i, ?6 A, b! E  q" q
* @& X/ c8 j, I. a
+ n5 |$ J8 d$ S% K6 g$ g- x, l& u+ W
! g4 a# v7 h9 l& L5 k9 z

7 ?8 [7 a9 b4 P! W+ H4 Z' H5 O  M

: a# H& _' l1 G# L: O1 `; S" I
4 l0 q3 M: S; T: r) r
$ S9 {+ I* }% g' q# B( \0 M' z5 o+ m/ C$ w. P: ~- h

6 k* g$ S2 u% l( p+ `$ N2 p9 q1 C: q  k: B9 H0 N3 h

6 w$ f% S6 E/ M- C7 E! o3 f% c* l  b3 ?
0 g1 |4 L1 F( H. P5 s, V2 d
' w: r# o) y% S" ]
1 a6 |1 A* U! b9 ?' a9 q6 s0 X+ G2 U3 M

, T$ q4 s0 z$ |! l# L  F! ~7 d
0 h7 m8 h, a- W0 x, e% E' c8 N# a4 EKano had been always in love with his best friend and senpai, Aki. However, his lack of courage and timidity hinders him to show his true feelings. This one rainy night, he’s given the chance to be alone with Aki. You have in your hands the fate of this young love.
4 S! H# F% u$ N* v9 P  f4 e$ i' |1 G( `0 N! O2 c
But choose carefully, things can’t always be as you expect. Help Kano through his decisions to get the perfect ending.) l& H8 O' V. w, }5 v/ K" ?: q
1 j8 O9 c! V$ C7 P
Will this sleepover be a memory to regret… or a night to remember?
发表于 2014-3-20 21:50:14 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2014-3-21 21:09:03 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-3-25 13:32:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-4-11 08:58:26 | 显示全部楼层

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